Can anything in the Universe eclipse an Eclipse?

To the LORD your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it. Deut 10:14

For many millions of people around the world, but especially in Mexico, The United States of America and Canada, this was a month to remember, as they watched the amazing phenomena of a total eclipse! This happens when the moon moves between the earth and the sun, extinguishing its light in a total solar eclipse. Thanks to the wonders of technology, countless others watched on their phones, TV’s and computers. Many of us seniors recalled seeing an eclipse in the past, either complete or partial.

I was thankful to notice the great interest of so many people, and to listen to their roars as the sun’s light was completely blocked out, and then to read some of their reactions afterwards. Here’s a few of their comments – “The temperature dropped suddenly, and animals fell silent. As it started to get lighter the crickets were back, and the birds started singing. It was really crazy, I’m sad it’s over.” I was a bit sad too, because I loved watching the videos, and have always loved photographing the sky at night, and also in the splendour of summer and winter as seen below.

I guess like many others, it got me thinking again about the wonders of the Cosmos, and I was recounting to myself, that in my parents’ lifetime, there was this gigantic leap forward in cosmology when in 1927 Father Georges Lemaitre suggested that the universe was not eternal as had been supposed, but had in fact a beginning, starting with a ‘big bang’. Not an idea welcomed by some scientists then or now, as it sounded /sounds too much like the Bible’s creation narrative. However the ‘big bang’ theory is now widely accepted by scientists across the board, thanks to Hubell and many others. Since then research and studies showing the fine tuning of the universe have produced some staggering statistics which are absolutely mind blowing. In Lee Strobel’s book ‘The Case for a Creator, which is written for laymen to understand, is a facinating read. He writes of an interview he had with Robin Collins PhD in physics, degrees in mathematics, philosophy etc, and a researcher and writer of renown. When he asked him this question, how precise is the fine tuning of the Universe? The answer made my jaw drop, and also made me smile, he said this about one aspect only of the fine tuning, the cosmological constant.

Quote “When I asked Collins about this, he told me that the unexpected, counterintuitive, and stunningly precise setting of the cosmological constant “is widely regarded as the single greatest problem facing physics and cosmology today.” “How precise is it?” I asked. Collins rolled his eyes. “Well, there’s no way we can really comprehend it,” he said. “The fine-tuning has conservatively been estimated to be at least one part in a hundred million billion billion billion billion billion. That would be a ten followed by fifty-three zeroes. That’s inconceivably precise.”Unquote

— The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God by Lee Strobel

Such amazing scientifuc discoveries led to one of the worlds chief atheists Antony Flew to change his mind as you can see from the attached. His last book ‘There is a God ….. ‘ is certainly worth a read.

And so much more has been written about the fine tuning of the Universe since then.

I find all such information absolutely fascinating, and stand in awe at the precision that makes things like an eclipse even possible. But I’m not a scientist, physicist, cosmologist or philosopher, I’m just me, and so many other amazing things in this world make me ask the questions, what things might eclipse an eclipse in wonder and amazement?

Here are a few things that sound everyday, but I think may be contenders. As you know I love gardening and I plant these tiny seeds, that look most unspectacular, but when they are placed in the ‘dirt’ as my wife would say 🙂 and you add some water look what happens – WOW! Look at the following photos, what do you think?

Of course we could look also at the animal and insect world, and there we can surely find some contenders? How about the beautiful Zebra, and these stripes! or the striped horns of a Water Buffalo? or the spotted coat of the Cheetah? Then there are those with tusks and horns, and of course the big mouthed hippopotamus! :0

Then there are birds and fish without measure, a blog could be written about any one of them. What do you think of the ones pictured below? Just considering some of their navigational skills alone is astounding.

Perhaps you may think the wonder of mountains and forests, rivers and glaciers, oceans and deserts may be contenders?

BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU? Do you think YOU might be a contender?

Augustine (354-430AD) said, ‘Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the oceans, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering.’ So is that you?

Here is a book I have on my Kindle, highly recommended by many scientists and scholars. One of them Michael Behe, reflected thus in his recommendation.

“Man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving.” Thus wrote the philosopher Bertrand Russell in perhaps the most spectacularly wrong-headed pronouncement of the twentieth century. Au contraire, in The Miracle of Man, Michael Denton gathers the voluminous evidence of modern science that shows the exact opposite: the universe precisely embodies the end for which it was built.—

Michael Behe, PhD, Professor of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University; author of Darwin’s Black Box, The Edge of Evolution, and Darwin Devolves”

— The Miracle of Man: The Fine Tuning of Nature for Human Existence by Michael Denton

And one last comment for now, by David J Galloway a Scottish Surgeon, in his book ‘Design Dissected’. This book speaks about the wonder and complexity of the human body, he writes this about our brain.

Quote “The human brain is the most complicated organ that we have ever encountered. Within a single brain there are more connections and junctions than all the devices connected to the World Wide Web. It has been estimated that there are around 85 billion neurons in each brain, although the truth may be nearer a figure in excess of 105 billion. Neurons can have thousands and thousands of connections to other neurons so it should not be surprising that estimates of the number of connections or synapses runs to trillions, maybe even in the quadrillion range. The complexity of the brain is virtually unfathomable.” Unquote.

— Design Dissected by David Galloway

His book is full of so many facts and figures, which I found so fascinating and enlightening, I would thoroughly recommend it. I enjoy reading books like those mentioned above, but am first to admit some of the details and technicalities are at times a bit ‘over my head’, to put it mildly.

But in answer to my own question ‘Can anything in the Universe eclipse an eclipse?’ I am of the opinion that the answer is YOU and me!

In the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis we have the story of God’s creation, and in Chapter one we have the record of the six days of creation, and on day six we find that last in the long list of God’s creation is mankind. It reads like this.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. ……. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning —the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

So much more could be said, and has been said, about mankind’s fall into sin, and God’s amazing love in redemption through His Son Jesus Christ, but for now I’ll finish with the late George Beverley Shea singing ‘How Great Thou Art’. Have a listen by clicking the link below.

George Beverley Shea

How Great Thou Art

Hope you enjoy the blog, but until next time I trust you are well wherever you are, and am always glad to hear from you.


“Rain! Rain! Rain!”

Rain! Rain! Rain!

As kids we used to say a childish rhyme ‘Rain Rain go to Spain and don’t come back to me again‘. There are many derivations to the words in that nursery rhyme, which evidently has its origin back in the 17th century! I don’t know about ‘going to Spain‘, but February was one of the wettest months here in the UK, and there were many times when we just wished the rain would stop. It also continued into the month of March, but I guess that is all part of what it means to live with a maritime climate!

All of that besides, we did manage to get out and about as best we could, mostly to local parks, but two places we reached a bit further afield were Stirling Castle in Stirlingshire and Culzean Castle in Ayrshire. In the winter and early Spring all these places can be enjoyed more easily in what is normally a much quieter season, so here are some photographs.

First our visit to Stirling and the Bannockburn Battlefield and Memorial, where on this site in 1314 a battle raged between the Scottish and English armies. The site is beautifully maintained by the National Trust for Scotland, and surrounded by some stunning countryside.

Inside the National Memorial building the battle is dramatically displayed by means of some very clever modern technology and sound effects. Arrows fired at you whizz over your head and when you turn-around soldiers are falling on the screen behind you! There is also a battle room where you are talked through the twists and turns of the battle. It’s all very well presented and is well worth a visit. Here are a few photographs.

Then on the 2nd March we made a trip to Culzean Castle on the Ayrshire coastline, one of our favourite places. It was nice to see the snowdrops and daffodils flourishing, and even some of the rhododendrons were in flower! Photographs below:

Certainly all that rain makes everything very green and as we approach Easter it is lovely to see the grass growing and flowers again appearing in our garden, and also in the local parks. Seedlings are growing well in the greenhouse within a couple of propagators. This week the clocks Spring forward so we will soon be enjoying an extra hour of light in the evenings, Hurrah! Here’s a few more photos:

I often wonder when I plant these dead looking bulbs in the Autumn, or see what looks like dead bushes and trees bursting into life, why anyone could possibly conclude that all this came about from nothing, and just by chance, baffles me. In my garden and greenhouse I often feel compelled to pause and thank God for His amazing work of creation.

There is a Bible verse that seems to well encapsulate these thoughts, it reads:
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

God’s eternal power and divine nature are however more clearly seen in his Son Jesus Christ, the God Man, who Himself said ‘He that has seen me has seen the Father’. So if you want to know what God is like, marvel not just at nature but look to JESUS and His story recorded in the Scriptures!

At Easter we see demonstrated in the clearest possible terms various aspects of GOD’s divine nature, His Love and Grace, His Holiness and His Justice. His Love shown when Jesus on the eve of the feast of Passover, (Exdous 12:1-13.) shows Himself to be the sacrificial Lamb slain for us, by dying in our place and stead and for our sin, and here the Christian Communion service is inaugurated.

And again His Grace, which we don’t deserve is seen as he offers us forgiveness, on the basis that He took the punishment for our sin, Someone has said Grace and Justice kiss each other at the cross. How amazing is that, surely the greatest story ever told.

Isaiah the prophet (740-680 B.C.) so vividly describes the death of Jesus in Chapter 53 of His book. (its a must read if you have never read it) all these years before it took place including the phrase “he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”. John the Baptist at the beginning of the Jesus ministry just after Jesus’ baptism declares “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”! Far too many other references to mention here.

I don’t know about you, but for me it is the most profound thought that has ever occupied my mind, expressed with such pathos and truth by the Apostle Paul “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” How profound is that?

At Easter especially, but throughout the year we sing this hymn which I find encouraging and challenging, why not find a quiet place, to sit and contemplate and enjoy!

I hope the weather is kind to you wherever you are this Easter, and that you have a great time, but never forget how much God loves you, and the price He was willing to pay that you might become His child.

I’ve been a Christian for many years, if you would like to talk please get in touch.


Thinking of Mothers!

As I write this, I notice it is ‘Women’s International Day’ and in two days time it will be Mothers Day. I wasn’t quite aware of that when this week we decided to visit our parents graves which are in three different cemeteries around the perimeter of Glasgow. My Mother is buried not far from where we live, so I visit there more often, but Muriel’s Mum and Dad are in graves in opposite sides of the city. In all three locations the headstones were either blown over or in need of cleaning and repair! However it was good to take time out from life’s busy schedule, just to reflect, and give God thanks for parents who loved us, cared for us, and trained us, and help equip us for life in this beautiful yet troubled chaotic world. So here are some photos of my Mother: (You’ll need to click on them to see them properly)

So like most of us, I cherish the memory of my mother. No space to recall here all the things she did for us, and taught us, all the care and attention she devoted to us as her family, all the training on behaviour, and how we must love our brothers and sisters. Most of all for sharing with us as children the story of Jesus who loved us, a love that she reflected in her own personal walk with the Lord she loved. Her favourite song was ‘Constantly abiding Jesus is mine.’

The photographic record of Muriel’s mother and father is not so comprehensive, but she cherishes the photos she has. Muriel didnt actually get to know her father personally, as he was tragically killed in a road accident when she was just one and half years old. Here are some picks

< Muriel at her mum’s graveside. After the death of her young husband Muriel’s mum worked as a butcher all her life, up until her retirement. She paid for her daughters’ tuition in ballet for many years, and saw them both settled in secure jobs and happily married. She then enjoyed and loved her grandchildren. Later in life she made many friends at the women’s group in our church, and one night told us that she had asked Jesus to forgive her sins and to come into her life as Saviour and Lord. Muriel’s mum had become a Christian! At the age of sixty six she was baptised and became a member of the church. Many more happy days followed.

As I think on some of these things, I’m reminded of the word of the Psalmist, when he said

Ps: 119:89,19

Your word, LORD, is eternal;
it stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations

There are many gifts we can give to our children, sometimes at great expense, but when we have departed this scene I wonder what they will remember of us? I listened to a preacher some years ago telling how he took his kids to fancy restaurants and bought them expensive birthday and Christmas presents. Now, he says, when they themselves as grown adults come to visit, we often recall the past, but they never mention any of these expensive things. They talk instead about the picnics by the river, the games we played, and the things we taught them. There are some important lessons to learn from that. So again, what lasting memories will our kids have of us?

The next generations

Personally, I remember my mother kindling the fire for us as kids before we got out of bed on cold frosty mornings, when ‘Jack frost’ was on our bedroom window. I remember her giving me ‘a coal carry’ through to the fire to get dressed. I remember the stories of her childhood as we kids combed her long hair, the picnics, the ‘games nights’ the ‘sing songs’. I remember her teaching me to pray each night – ‘Jesus tender Shepherd hear me, bless this litle lamb to night, in the darkness be thou near me, guard my sleep ’till morning light’. Oh, and I remember she bought me my first watch for my 15th birthday, before I went out to work.

I haven’t asked Muriel about all the things she remember about her mum, but she has spoken about her leaving home early each morning to get to her work She tells of her mum’s sacrifice in paying for her ballet lessons, and of their great holidays at Dunoon. But she often recalls with a smile on her face the night mum said she had become a Christian. I too remember her excitement, as she phoned her friends to tell them, ‘guess what? Mum has become a Christian! …. Your faithfulness continues through all generations

Of course we know that some mothers (and fathers) can abandon their children, causing huge pain and distress. But it is good to know that whatever experience we may have had, that God cares for us. God says in Isaiah 49:15

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you!

So to all the mothers in my family today and in past generations, and indeed to all faithful mothers everywhere, we honor you today, for your care and sacrifice for us your children, and pray that you will tell them of a God in Heaven who cares and loves them more than word can tell.

Muriel is to me my loving wife, my ‘better half’ and life long friend, now a mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother and an octogenarian! Last week I made a wee video of her telling us of her favourite Psalm, and what it means to her. You can see and hear it by clicking on the link.

Have a great time celebrating your Mother, on Mothers’ Day and indeed on every day!

P.S. All being well, next time I hope to write about some of our recent trips, which we greatly enjoyed!


So what will 2024 bring?

After all the preparations, all the travelling, after all the children’s parties, family get-togethers and Christmas and New Year celebrations, after too many extravagent dinners with sweets and drinks, it is all back to ‘auld claes and purridge‘ as my mother would have said!

January 1st – Late afternoon in Newlands Park, Glasgow

Still, it would be a shame to forget all the joys and blessings of the festive season before moving on, so here are some of my memories in pictures.

Of course we also got out and about in spite of some very changeable weather, and spent a few relaxing days on the Clyde Coast with my son and his wife at their home.

And finally some pics of our changeable weather.

So now we look forward to another season in the garden and greenhouse, and today I was buying the seeds I need for the greenhouse at ‘Dobbies’ half price sale. Holidays were also discussed this week and some tentative plans were made for early summer. Amongst my friends I hear of similar plans, and for some it’s a year for marriage, for others a new school, a university degree, or a new job, not to mention the upgrade of houses, cars, computers, phones and gardens etc.

However I detect some nervousness and hesitancy, not just amongst my acquintances but in our national psyche as folks survey the international, national and local scene. We are continually bombarded with updates on wars and rumours of wars, (too many to detail) In the middle of last year it was reported that 110 million people were displaced including 36.4 million refugees, as nations struggle and fight to solve the ‘refugee crisis’. Nationally and individually, borrowing is going through the roof, with some folks and economies struggling to survive.  In the UK local government is complaining of underfunding, and speaking of the need to cut services. Nationwide workers are on strike, from ‘civil servants’ to doctors and nurses, train drivers and teachers, … all asking for more money. Of course the weather ‘crisis’ or ‘global warming’ continues to dominate much of the news, along with the explosion in ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and its human implications, so people are genuinely fearful of all the gloomy predictions continually being proffered. No wonder the BBC’s viewers are rapidly declining, with a reported two million having stopped paying their TV licence. Have our news bulletins become too much of a burden one might ask? Twenty twenty four however, has been dubbed ‘The Super Election Year’ as general elections are planned in nations all around the globe, including here in the UK and in the USA. So can we expect great things? Mmm.. let’s wait and see!

It was wonderful being at the Messiah on the 2nd of January, not just to hear the stupendous music and singers, but to listen to a different narrative! The good news contained in the Jesus story, which the ‘Messiah’ so powerfully tells. King George II in 1743 during the Messiah Premier in London, stood during the singing of the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’, which has become a tradition observed until this day.

Hallelujah: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. The Kingdom of this world is become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Hallelujah

The coming of the King of Kings is the great hope of the Christian Church. People are asking these days, ‘what are you hoping for in 2024’? There are a miriad of answers to that question, but I heard one woman, within the last few days, immediateely respond to the question with ‘I’m looking forward to the coming again of Jesus.’ How do you respond to such a thought? Does it sound like a message of gloom? a message of hope and rejoicing? or do your scoff at the idea as just some religious nonsense?

Just as the Apostle Peter said, we do hear people today scoff at such a possibility and say ‘Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. …….But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Are you ready if Christ came today?

I enjoyed listening to Max Lucado give a short talk on the subject recently, he describes it just as we were taught as young folks. If you think it too fantastical, perhaps you need to to rethink your concept of God. It’s well worth a listen, you can hear him here:

The psalmist David in Psalm 20 prayed this prayer for his people who trusted in God. May it be your experience in 2024. If ‘knowing God’ is an idea alien to you, may you come to know Him in 2024 through His Son Jesus, the Saviour of the world. 

May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.
May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
May we shout for joy over your victory
and lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.

Thank you for visiting my blog – Matthew

A Photo Review – 2023

Our local park – Roukenglen!

Here is a review of my photographs at the end of the year, that highlight some of the lovely places and experiences that have been enjoyed. The one shown above is of the local park, where we so often walk. However those shown below are not always because of their great photographic quality, but sometimes just for the memories that they invoke. This year let’s start with Winter and finish with Winter, and in-between show something of the beauty of God’s creation here in Scotland, not only in Winter, but also in Spring, Summer and Autumn.

January and February – the winter months at the beginning of 2023.

A round trip from Glasgow to Dunoon via Loch Lomond, Hell’s Glen and Ardentinny

A good place to visit on a cold day – Glasgow’s Botanical Gardens

Now it’s Spring time and everything is bursting into life!

More Spring flowers:-

Late May, our holiday in and around Tiree

Now on into summer ….

A visit to Dawyck Botanical Gardens >

Our garden in summer ….

Day trips to the Firth of Forth Bridges, the Isle of Bute and The Trossachs

Now Autumn is coming on …. with a trip to Inverness and the Moray Coast ….

And lastly at the end of the year we are into Winter once again …

Thank you to all who subscribe to my blog and also to friends far and wide who log-on from time to time. Hopfully you have enjoyed the photographs of our travels in 2023. I often think that we are not getting around as much as we once did, until I start to select photos from the year, and then reaslise I have far too many photos to show!

The ‘card’ above brings our greetings for Christmas and the New Year, and we hope to continue our blogging in 2024 all being well, but until next year I wish you God’s blessing at this festive season! The words of my favourite carol this year, are attached.


150th Anniversary – Greenview Church, Pollokshaws, Glasgow.

The Church Weekend at Gartmore House, Gartmore -some years ago

GREENVIEW CHURCH – 1439 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow G41 3RQ.

Website – An Excellent Booklet which gives a short history of the Church and its activities from 1873 – 2023 has been been produced by our Pastor Colin Adams

I have blogged about many things over recent years, but could not let this special anniversary year of our Church pass without reflecting on God’s grace and goodness and His blessings to us His people over many years and right up until the present. Many thousands of other lives have also been touched by the preaching and teaching of the Bible, here at home and abroad, and in recent years through the use of the internet.

As a child my family moved from the centre of Glasgow to the suburbs, and on our first Sunday, on recommendation, we walked to Greenview Church (or ‘Greenview Hall’ as it was called then) and as children were imediately welcomed into their very large Sunday School! The year was 1941. ‘Greenview’ has been our home Church ever since. It didn’t take us long to feel welcomed, even although there were eight of us, including mum and dad. The folks from Pollokshaws were so friendly and ordinary people, who had a love and passion to worship and serve an extraordinary God. Here at Greenview I was converted, baptised, and later was married and throughout the years became involved in many aspects of Church life. And here too, we brought up our children, along with my brothers and sisters and their children! It’s been quite a journey!

The Church we now call Greenview Church, had met in a number of different buildings within the Pollokshaws area of Glasgow prior to our arrival, but was now settled in the building purchased at the corner of Pollokshaws Road and Leckie Street. Here are some pics of these early locations, plus extensions and alterations made to the current building. –

On the right > is Norman Macrae one of the eight founding members with his wife, prior to going to India as missionaries. The eight men who in 1873 decided to rent the Templars Hall in Main Street, were motivated by the love of Jesus Christ, and had a burden to preach and share the Good News about Jesus with others. Their message could be encapsulated in the words of John 3v16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

The Church is its members, not the building, so here are some pictures of Church from across the years.

I wasn’t around when these photos were taken, but I grew up to know many of them who were, or became, leaders in the Church! Old friends from the ‘Shaws might recognise some of the faces. Dress style has changed a bit since then 🙂 Here are more taken some years later, in the 50’s and 70’s There are too many faces to show, let these few suffice as being representative of those who were amongst our mentors, and others with whom we served.

The Bible is central to all our Church activities, and has been faithfully preached and taught down through the years, to young and old, week by week, indoors and out of doors, at sheduled services, in house groups and at special campaigns and events. Like so many others I’ve found it to be a lamp to my feet a light on my path. It’s an amazing book, and an endless source of treasure.

As the city demographics changed over the years it was a privilege to welcome Christians from other churches in the South Side of Glasgow. Wolesley Gospel Hall in Oatlands, Elim Evangelical Church in Crosshill and Maple Evangelical Church in Newton Mearns. Many of these Christians have made, and are making a real and valuable contribution to Greenview Church’s life and work.

Stan Ford (mentioned above) died in 1991 but you can still hear his remarkable story on line, it’s well worth the listen. He was the man who said ‘if there is a God I hate him!

Children’s and Youth work has always been an integral part of Church life from the earliest of days until present. The Church over a period of time purchased a number of buses which were used to bring young people from Thornliebank, Carnwadric, Mansewood and Eastwood districts of Glasgow to the various activities. My wife and I spent almost 25 years of our lives working with the young people. Today the Contageous Youth Camp still attracts young people from around the country including young people from Greenview. Here is a selection of photographs.

Many missionaries from Greenview have travelled far and wide to share the Gospel story cross-culturally in Asia, Africa, India and the America’s. In the first row below are missionaries who went out in the 30’s, and who were an inspiration to the Church. In the 2nd row are some of my contemporaries from the 60’s. Since then others have gone out to Kenya, Tanzania and other destinations, with various skills – Bible translators, medical experts, Bible teachers, builders, engineers and administrators. Even today many members are serving overseas. Others have gone on short term projects throughout the UK and Europe and in various countries abroad.. Far too many to display! Here are some of the missionaries that I grew up listening to:

Jim Caldwell was a well loved gospel singer whose work was recorded. Click on the link and hear him singing ‘How great Thou art’.

Dedicated work amongst men and women has been a major feature of Church Ministry. The Women’s Meeting on Wednesday’s at 2.15pm and the Men’s Meeting on Tuesday’s at 2pm from the 50’s to the 90’s was led by a dedicated team of men and women. The Women’s ministry played a major role in the conversion of my mother-in-law Muriel snr., which was a cause of great rejoicing! The nature and emphasis of the work has changed over the years, but still continues to this day. Here are some photos from more recent years of Men’s activities folllowed by some Women’s activities

Unfortunately I don’t have many photos of the women’s events, which is a bit sad considering all the work they have done, and still do in the Church. But the sewing class has donated countless quilts and other items for Children’s homes abroad and we always enjoy their ‘Coffee and Craft’ events which raise money for missionaries and charities. Many also serve in our Cafe on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Well I think I’d better bring this to a close, so I’ll finish with a general selection of some photos I like:

Check out our website for details of our current programme. Morning services are live on You Tube, or if you live locally why not drop in and see us, you would be most welcome. And to past members and friends, you would receive a special welcome on this our 150th Anniversary year, please think about coming to visit us.

If you are not a Christian and all the above seems very strange to you, you may like to take a ‘Christianity Explored’ or ‘Alpha Course’. Courses near you can be checked on line, or get in touch if I can be of help.

I hope you have enjoyed these personal memories of my life at Greenview Church, but wherever you are and whoever you are, I wish you God’s blessing as we start our run up to the Christmas Festival and Celebrations.


NB: Thanks to those who donated photographs, and to others whose old photographs of Pollokshaws are in the publc domain.

Do you remember when Glasgow and the river Clyde were a major hub for Shipbuilding and Engineering ?

We had arranged for an Autumn weekend visit to our family at Skelmorlie on the Clyde, only to dicover that it was set to co-incide with ‘Storm Babet’ as forecast by the weather experts! We left Glasgow in strong winds, and with a smirr of rain on the windscreen, and a wild cloudy sky. And so we headed for the coast!

Our plan was to visit in the morning the Scottish Maritime Museum at Irvine, a museum we had passed countless times, always with the thought ‘we must visit there sometime’! Despite a massive improvment in the weather, we stuck to our plan, and I’m glad we did. Although a ‘Maritime’ museum, it also covers machines and equipment used generally in the engineering sector, and this brought back many memories of my own career in engineering from the 1950’s to the 1980’s! Let me share some photos with you, first of a couple of vessels which were outside in the yard, an old steam puffer with an exhibition in its hold, and an ancient yacht powered by a steam engine.

Inside the spacious museum there is a plethora of information on many other types of vessels from small wooden row boats and yachts, to lifeboats, cargo vessels and navy ships. Here are some of the photos and information that I gleaned.

Along with the advancements in shipbuilding and other industries, came the advancement in general engineering. Soon there were machine tools for ‘everything’ or so it seemed. The museum houses many such machines which are a wonder to behold! Here are just some of them.

Our time unfortunately was limited, but we did manage a look at the variety of anchors on display before heading to the ‘Puffer Tea Room’ for a coffee and snack.

Far too much to share on this blog, but I would recommend a visit if you are in the area, and especially if you have an interest in shipbuilding / engineering and its history, and what made Scottish engineers and their ships and machinery famous throughout the world.

For me personally the visit brought back many memories of the Engineering Companies I’ve worked for, and the vast range of projects in which I have been involved at home and abroad. My engineering days were busy and fulfilling and accounted for more than fifty percent of my fifty years of working life.

Entrance fee for over 60’s was £7.00 and they also had snack facilities in the main museum, with the very nice Puffer Restaurant nearby. You are also just 1/2 mile from the beach where there is a free car park and toilets.

We missed the worst of the storm and in fact had two amazing sunsets during the weekend.

So since this blog has had a maritime flavour set against the background of ‘Storm Babet’, I thought I’d finish by asking a question raised by this old hymn, sung a cappella, which I really like.

It’s good to be safely anchored for life and death in Jesus, there are certainly many storms around these days!

Every blessing Matthew

The Garden – Summers End 2023

The Garden – Summers end 2023

The Garden 2023

It was good to watch ‘Gardeners’ World’ on the TV earlier this week as they gave their final round-up for this year’s summer season. I was encouraged to hear the experts say words to this effect, ‘it’s been an enjoyable season with lots of success, but also with some failures and disappointments’. Perhaps the most important thing they said was ‘but we really enjoyed it‘! Did I ever tell you I enjoy my garden!!!

Let’s start with a look at the flowers, most of which were bought as ‘plug plants’ from Garden Centres and Supermarkets and grown on, but towards the end of the season some full grown plants for the new flower bed were also purchased. So many photos but first a quick look at the flowers!

Trees and bushes, roses and grasses were lovely too, here are some we enjoyed

Then there was the greenhouse, and this year, just for a change I grew house plants along with the usual vegetables. Some of the house plants were bought from the Garden Centre, then grown on and split. Others I grew from seed, and was particularly happy that two small cacti that survived from seed. Hurrah! a first for me 🙂 I also tried rooting a couple of succulents from the leaves, and they seem to have rooted successfully, but what to do with them in the winter, is a bit oif a dilemna!

There were a few failures! my ‘corn on the cob’ was given much love and care but the results were very disappointing, I’ll need to get some help from my African friends, methinks! Carrots this year in a bucket were poor, and the Aubergines produced beautiful plants with lots of flowers but only one small fruit. After having it with dinner last night, I think it may be off the menu for future 🙂

I’ve probably missed something, but hopefully the above is enough to let you understand the joy of a garden. The bulbs for Spring have now been planted, and the Greenhouse was emptied and cleaned this week. Hopefully some of the plants more susceptible to the cold will be preserved there until Spring. Of course a garden takes time and effort, but that could also be said of anything worthwhile we do or achieve in life. Well perhaps a garden is somewhat different, for the simple reason that actually I don’t grow anything, all I do is plant, feed and water, but I can’t actually make anything grow, only God can do that! So I just stand back and marvel at the amazing God of creation! Here is a quotation from the book of Corinthians, which is so true, and I am often reminded of in the garden!

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow!

1 For the beauty of the earth, 
for the glory of the skies, 
for the love which from our birth 
over and around us lies. 

Christ, our Lord, to you we raise 
this, our hymn of grateful praise. 

2 For the wonder of each hour 
of the day and of the night, 
hill and vale and tree and flower, 
sun and moon and stars of light, [Refrain ]

3 For the joy of human love, 
brother, sister, parent, child, 
friends on earth, and friends above, 
for all gentle thoughts and mild, [Refrain] 

4 For yourself, best gift divine, 
to the world so freely given, 
agent of God's grand design: 
peace on earth and joy in heaven.

Christ, our Lord, to you we raise 
this, our hymn of grateful praise. 

To all my friends and fellow gardeners, I hope you have had an enjoyable Summer, perhaps in your garden or in someone else’s garden. But wherever you are I wish you every blessing as we move forward into a new season. The words of the above old hymn I pray will cause you to lift your eyes and thoughts to the God who loves you!


Visit Scotland in September? say YES!

Bauchaille Etive Mor at the entrance to Glen Coe

September is a good month to visit Scotland as the weather is often dry with many sunny days, tho’ perhaps a bit chilly in the mornings! It’s pleasant weather for touring around and since it is the first month of Autumn you see the beauty in the trees as the leaves begin to change colour, but still with lots of flowers in the gardens and hedgerows. This year, the weather has been particularly warm and sunny at the beginning of the month, so we took the opportunity to travel.

Our first trip took us East from Glasgow to the Firth of Forth where the river makes it’s exit into the North Sea, and on whose southern bank sits the city of Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city. We took a one and one half hour boat trip around the three bridges and Inchcolm Island, and found the historic commentary on board very interesting. Here are some photographs.

Later that week we travelled 200 miles north to visit family and friends along the Moray Coast and were thankful the warm weather seemed to travel with us, as you can see from the photographs.

On the Sunday we met other friends at the morning service in Elgin Baptist Church and later enjoyed a beautiful afternoon sitting at the harbour in Gardenstown.

The five days passed all too quickly and soon we were on our way home. We chose the scenic route via Inverness / Loch Ness, Fort William, Glen Coe and Loch Lomond. We had plenty of stops along the way and made the most of the day. Here are some final photos from our trip.

Well it’s sad in some respects to see the summer coming to an end for yet another year, but every season has its attractions, despite the changing weather patterns! The Autumn colours, the planting of Spring bulbs, winter nights with a good book, or friends and family around the fireside all have their attractions!

Our lives have their seasons too, our childood and teenage years, our early adult life, then middle age and old age! Now that I find myself in the latter category, it is interesting to think back and review all of life’s ups and downs, joys and sorrows, successes and disappointments. Photographs are a great way of doing that. The arrival of children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren are often a sure way to bring a smile to your face.

At the Church we visited in Elgin the pastor asked the question, ‘so what are you looking forward to’? You could expect a hundred and one answers to that question if you were to stop people on the street. but I think ‘seniors’ generally would answer differently from the rest of society. The pastor’s sermon that day was entitled A LIVING HOPE! You can see why from the Bible passage he read quoted below.

Actually the sermon at Church that Sunday finished with the thought of increasing hope as you get older, which is surely counter cultural, and the antithesis to Mr Bertrand R’s message of doom and despair! The Christian message is based on the historical facts of the life, death and resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ the Son of God, who came to save us from the consequences of our sin, if only we will repent and put our trust in Him as our Saviour. Watch below the late Willie Gilvear from the Gallowgate in Glasgow telling what hope he found in Jesus.

So as you get older what are you hoping for? There is new birth, new hope, an inheritance in heaven and security in life and death available through faith in Jesus Christ. Someone has said, life without Christ leads to a hopeless end, but life in Christ leads to an endless hope!

Not yet a Jesus follower? Why not seize the opportunity and come to Christ now and start a life filled wiith HOPE? Here’s Willie Gilvear ….

Always glad to hear from my readers! Be blessed wherever you are!


Plans, Projects and Purpose

Well perhaps you are not the planning type, and tend just to ‘go with the flow’ as some like to put it, and that’s fine. During my working career I was invariably working to time deadlines, so planning was an essential part of life, and I know that will be true for many who read this blog. That can make life a bit too stressful at times, but it can also be very rewarding to see a project well done and on time!

Since retiring I guess I have continued in the ‘planning mode’, although as I get older plans are somewhat less ambitious, and time scales more flexible! 🙂

This month in the garden the plan was to clear out the heather bed which had gone a bit wild and replant it with something different, but what kind of plants? That question has been answered in the short term, but all being well, we will have a review in the Spring. I also planned to refurbish the pergola which was getting a bit tired looking. Here are some photographs!

Instant gardening thanks to the Garden Centre and local hardware supermarket. All perrenial plants, supposedly frost resistant to -10 to – 20 degrees. Time will tell, but meantime we are enjoying the plants and the three rose bushes are now about to flower. I was happy to let my grandson Lewis remove the deep heather roots. which was a great help.

We still managed a few day trips in the last month, one was to the Isle of Bute and another to The Trossachs. And as always we try and choose a fair weather day!

First some photographs of our trip to Bute.

The Isle of Bute is beautiful, and a one day visit is far too short! The ferry fare for two adults and a car is reasonable at less than forty pounds return, so I’d recommend you treat yourself if you live here in the UK.

Our visit to ‘The Trossachs’ included the three loch’s drive and Loch Katrine, and that is always spectacular, but it was good to see the first signs of the forest recovering after the devastation caused by Storm Arwen in November 2021. Here are some photos.

Great to see the ‘Sir Walter Scott’ steamship still bringing pleasure to the many tourists who visit Loch Katrine. My late friend and Ship’s Architect Andrew Cumming was involved some years ago in a refurbishment programe on this ship. The ship was first launched in the year 1900 so has been in service now for well over a century! Amazing!


I started this blog by talking about plans, and how they change as the years go by, and perhaps become less ambitious. It reminded me of this front cover in Newsweek, which I photographed back in 2009 and which I came across recently

I am sure Gordon Brown’s plan had his best intentions at heart, and may have produced some beneficial results, but saving the world? This of course was the media’s take on the plan, and I am sure that the author himself never claimed that for it. But as you watch and listen to the news I am sure we are all agreed that the world needs a saviour. There is great talk and planning going on at present about saving the planet, but what about the people? you and me and those caught up in war and oppression, or suffering through homelessness, thirst, flood, fire and famine, disease, sickness, crime, and lack of education …….?

The Bible speaks of a man who came to save the people of the world, and is in fact still saving them today! I refer of course to Jesus the Son of God. Remember Christmas? – ‘Unto you is born this day a Saviour who is Christ the Lord’.

We all have plans, things that we intend to do or people and places we hope to visit. If you are amongst the world’s poorest you are perhaps dreaming of ‘a life in ‘the West’ and are willing to risk all to get there. In the West for many the plans are for bigger houses, electric cars, and exotic holidays. But are you planning for life after death? for eternity? Jesus said ‘What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?’

Benjamin Franklin the American statesman penned this phrase in a letter in 1789  ‘in this life nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes! Hopefully you have your taxes covered, but how about your soul? All of the Bible speaks about God’s plan to send a Saviour to save us from God’s wrath and judgement against our sin. Here are some Bible verses that outline God’s plan to save us, both in English and Chinese the world’s most spoken languages. Take time to consider them

PURPOSE: It’s good to remember that we are here for a purpose. To the question ‘What is mans chief end?’ The Westminster Shorter Chatechism states ‘Mans chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever’. You might ask why? Psalm 145 may help answer that question.

Let’s plan wisely for our eternal future, while we still have time.


Border Country – a visit to Dawyck!

Driving in the Scottish Borders

The Royal Botanical Gardren in Edinburgh, also cares for three other botanical gardens in Scotland. One in Dunoon (Benmore B.G.) one in Dumfries and Galloway (Logan B.G.) and this one at Dawyck in the Scottish Borders. So with this visit we have now completed a visit to all four. It’s a while since we have been to the Edinburgh one, so a return visit is now overdue!

The Scottish Borders

Dawyck is a one and a half hour drive from Glasgow, heading south down the M74, before turning off at Abington. It’s a very pleasant drive after you get outside the greater Glasgow area, but becomes particularly beautiful once you leave Abington. The low rolling lush green hills, with rivers meandering through the valleys, the quiet roads, and the sheep and cattle grazing in the fields are very pleasing to one’s senses. We came home thinking ‘we should really visit this area more often.’ You can judge for yourself from the photographs above.

Dawyck Botanical Gardens

The purpose of our visit to the area was however to have a walk in the gardens and to see the variety of trees, flowers and plants growing there. We picked the perfect day and throughly enjoyed the drive and the gardens. Entrance fee for ‘seniors’ is £7.00 per head, and there is a lovely tea room, exhibition area and shop, with modern clean rest rooms.

It is difficult to say which one of the gardens we have most preferred, for whilst they all have their similarities, they also have their unique locations and features. It also depends on what time of the year you visit, but I’m going to say Logan Botanical Gardens in Dumfries and Galloway. We loved being there in the Spring and enjoyed the pond areas and the Spring flowers and the singing of the birds, but why not visit the gardens and decide for yourself? You won’t be disappointed!

We also made a short return visit in June back to Benmore Gardens near Dunoon. It was nice to see the gardens in summer. Above are a few photographs.

One thing I have noticed as we have explored these botanical gardens is that the majority of visitors are certainly in the 50+ age group (perhaps even the 60+ age group). I have often asked myself why that should be? I expect that one answer at least, will be the fact that as you get older you tend to enjoy more times of peace and quiet, and a walk in the garden seems to perfectly fit the bill!

My recent reading!

Coinciding with our recent visits to the botanical gardens I have been reading the above two books. The first one received as a birthday present a few months ago. The biography of John Bunyan by Peter Morden is a fascinating read. John was born in Elstow, Bedfordshire in 1628 during the reign of Charles I. However I guess most folks today have never heard of John Bunyan, even although his book ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’ was until the middle of the 20th Century, only second to the world’s best seller The Bible in numbers published, and has been continuously published up until today from its first printing in 1678. It is considered a world classic!

Peter Morden paints the picture well, of a swearing  ‘tinker’ boy who grew up to follow in his father’s footsteps. On the outbreak of the Civil war between the King and Parliament, John became a soldier in the army of the parliamentarians. Later in life he became a Christian, a husband and father, a popular preacher, a pastor, a prisoner in Bedford jail and a prolific author. Bunyan spent 12 years in Bedford jail, and his crime? He was a preacher of the Bible drawing large crowds to follow him. The Scots had already rebelled at the introduction of the Church of England Prayer book (you may know the Jenny Geddes story) and now non-conformists and desenters were growing in number south of the border too! It was while in a dank prison cell that he wrote his book The Pilgrim’s Progress.

Pilgrim’s Progress is written as an allegory which takes place in a dream. here’s a summary from ‘Goodreads’:

Pilgrim’s Progress is a famous story of man’s progress through life in search of salvation and remains one of the most entertaining allegories of faith ever written. Set against realistic backdrops of town and country, the powerful drama of the pilgrim’s trials and temptations follows him in his harrowing journey to the Celestial City. Along a road filled with monsters and spiritual terrors, Christian confronts such emblematic characters as Worldly Wiseman, Giant Despair, Talkative, Ignorance, and the demons of the Valley of the Shadow of Death. But he is also joined by Hopeful and Faithful.

After completing the biography I decided to read the book again. I smiled at the names given to the characters that Pilgrim meets, I’ve met them all I believe, and from time to time have seen myself described in them. Below are two quotations from the book as Pilgrim approaches the end of his journey, which seemed to relate well to our walks in the gardens.

In Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, the Land of Beulah is a pleasant and fertile country within sight of the Heavenly City.

I should say however, that The Pilgrim’s Progress is a book very close to my heart, as this was the book that started me on my own Christian pilgrimage. And in particular the paragraph from the book quoted below.

Here at the Cross of Christ Pilgrims burden of sin falls from his back.

Here’s a song about Beulah land that we used to sing at church, which I’m sure you will enjoy

I hope you enjoyed the photographs and the read. Perhaps you’ll be intrigued enough to download one of the world’s best selling books The Pilgrim’s Progress and have a read for yourself.

I hope you enjoy what remains of the summer if you are here in Europe, but wherever you are I wish you every blessing!


Almost Mid- Summer and the Garden is in full bloom!

Greenhouse and Garden Early July 2023

Here is a look into our garden now that we are approaching mid summer. In many ways it has been like a ‘mid-summer night’s dream‘ – to see the flowers and vegetables, and the trees and bushes so beautifully flourishing. The warm summer weather we enjoyed during the month of June surely played a part, followed by days of ‘sunny showers’ and warm thundery weather. The potato bags and carrot pot at the entrance to the greenhouse are certainly looking good, but time will tell how many potatoes and carrots will be harvested.

The Greenhouse is a bit full, but I am enjoying my experiment with house plants, some grown from seed and others bought and split and repotted. My wife has already claimed a few for her collection in the house! You can see above two small cacti that have been grown from seed, so praying they will survive! The tomatoes are showing their displeasure at not being my main focus this year, but they are now starting to ripen and we have enjoyed the firstfruits along with a nice cucumber! The peppers and aubergines are looking good, and the tub of parsley and garlic flavoured chives we have proved to be tasty in a stir fry.

Most of the pots are filled with flowers bought as plug plants. I confess to using some of the supermarkets as their prices are usually much cheaper, and I can bring the plants on in the greenhouse. I do have a ‘Club’ card at one of the big garden centres and that too is helpful, as you get two free hot drinks of your choice when you visit! 🙂 We have had our gazeebo up since the end of May and so far it has survived even in some rather blowy days with the help of some extra ‘guy ropes’.

The rhubarb has done well this year and I see that my wife has made a rhubarb tart today! Ive planted some corn for the first time so I am jusr waiting to see if it produces some edible cobs, but at least the apple tree looks like having a fair crop. It’s always a pleasure when some of my great grandchildren pop in to see us. One brought his sunflower seedlings round to see if I could look after them for him, so that’s a bit of a challenge. The bird station is always a pleasure too, and its nice to see the variety of birds that come around.

Evening in the Garden

There has been been quite a lot of hard work to do this year, and one section of the garden is under reconstruction as it were! I’m grateful for the help of one of my grandsons who gives me a hand, but he now has a new job so it is just when he is free. I’m so thankful to God for our garden, as I keep saying. 🙂 When I was in Africa it was common at Church prayer meetings to hear people praying for rain, and for a good harvest, for they realised their dependence on God who controls the weather. It is such a major factor in getting the results looked for. I always try to emulate their practice!

So this is the garden report for mid summer, and all being well I’ll give a final report at the end of the season. To all my fellow gardeners, I wish you great sucess and joy during this year’s growing season.

I’ll finish with this wee poem I came across which I really like, but I’ve yet to install a garden pool!

My Garden by Thomas Edward Brown – born 5th May 1830

A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot!
        Rose plot,
        Fringed pool,
    Ferned grot—
        The veriest school
        Of peace; and yet the fool
    Contends that God is not—
    Not God! in gardens! when the eve is cool?
        Nay, but I have a sign;
       ‘Tis very sure God walks in mine.

Matthew (the amateur gardiner)

The Island of Tiree – Scotland

AN TURAS’ –The Journey‘ – WELCOME to TIREE!

TIREE is a low lying island in the Inner Hebrides, also the most westerly, with a population of around 650. It is only twelve miles long and three miles wide, with its amazing beaches, animal, bird and sea life and grasslands and flora, and one of the sunniest places in the UK. Well that sets out some of the main facts about the island, but hopefully the photographs and script that follows will give you a glimpse of the sense of freedom and joy that can be experienced on a holiday here.

Hard to explain the wildness and beauty of God’s creation witnessed in Tiree, the big skies, both day and night, the narrow roads, isolated cottages, and many small lochans, the blue sea both calm and wild, the amazing quiet and empty beaches, the open grasslands with a tumultuous array of flowers, and the wandering cattle and sheep and other wild life that call this place home. As they say in Scotland ‘somethings are better felt than telt‘!

We were back there again this year during the month of May for our holidays, attracted by all of the above, and where as always we received a warm welcome as holiday makers, so many visitors come, some attracted by the special events held throughout the year. There’s a welcome notice right on the pier with a very clever piece of art work called ‘An Turas,’ but be careful not to miss it as you can easily pass it by!

Tiree is famous for its wide white sandy beaches, and depending on wind direction you can choose the one best suited to your day’s plan. Water sports, or just walking and sunbathing. So here is a selection of some that we visited!

Boats and harbours, birds and animals, dolphins and seals can be spotted all around the island, with a couple of Bird Hides conveniently placed for a quiet seat to enjoy!

Now for a variety of shots from this years Tiree collection, which I really like.

We also visited some ancient ruins of Churches, a Broch, a Watermill, a Graveyard where my great grandfather and mother I believe are buried, plus Churches of today and friends of today with whom we enjoyed food and fellowship.

When we go on holiday we always like to visit the Church(s) in the area and join in fellowship with fellow Christians. To many in society nowadays the Church seems an irrelevance, but not to God or to those who know and love Him! It is said of Jesus, God’s Son, ‘that Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it’! The two pictures below I think speak volumes!

On the first Sunday we were at the Baptist Church and sang with Joy –

Come, people of the Risen King who delight to bring Him praise Come all and tune your hearts to sing to the Morning Star of grace, From the shifting shadows of the earthwe will lift our eyes to Him where steady arms of mercy reach to gather children in!

On the 2nd Sunday we visited the Church of Scotland at Heylipol where the text’s above the pulpit remind us of our home Church! Most worshippers sat at the back and at the side, but this dear man chose to sit near the front. Perhaps he has used that seat for many years. We sang Take my life and let it be consecrated to Thee, Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love, Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee

These two songs in many ways encapsulate for us the Christian life! In Church and home we sing praise and thanks to God for His Grace, in providing Salvation for us through the work of His Son Jesus, and for calling us to be His children! Then in response to that love we sing ‘Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee’…… We met two young men from the Faith Mission there who were keen to proclaim the good news of the Gospel, and were certainly putting into practice the words of the second hymn referred to above.

I find the last photo on this blog very emotive! I think of our Christian heritage as a nation that we now seem content to let slip ‘through our fingers’ as it were, while we witness so much heartache and tears all around us, and hear many dear folks speak of the future with a sense of fear and foreboding. Tom Lenie in his excellent book ‘Land of Revivals’ records for us some great days of revival in Tiree around 1837 – 1846 when the Churches in Tiree were filled as people found salvation and fresh new hope through faith in Jesus Christ.

Many Christians today are united in prayer, asking God to come again in the power of His Spirit to bring revival to Scotland, its islands, towns and cities. I recall the words of the Scottish Bard, Robert Burns in his poem “The Cotter’s Saturday Night’ as he recalls a scene in the household of a Scottish Christian family as they pray together – He says –

From scenes like these, old Scotia’s grandeur springs 
That makes her lov’d at home, rever’d abroad: 

Grandeur? I wonder if that word that would be used to describe our nation’s stature today? I will end here by inviting you if you don’t go to Church to consider starting to attend, or perhaps again,? a Church near you that teaches the Bible, wherever you live! If you do I am sure you will be blessed by God!

I hope you enjoyed the photos, you’d love Tiree, although I confess to being slightly biased as my ancestors came from there! Always glad to hear from you.


PS: if you missed the video of our trip from Tiree to Skerryvore you cam see it here

From Tiree to ‘Skerryvore’ – Scotland”s Tallest Lighthouse!

Skerryvore looking forboding on a cloudy day – Photo by Susie Gamble

Our holiday this year took us again back to the Island of Tiree. One thing I had in mind before arriving was to visit the Skerryvore Lighthouse, situated some 12 miles south west of the Island, right on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. We had previously visited the Skerryvore Museum on the island, at Hynish, and had been fascinated by the story it told. So we registered our interest with Tiree Sea Tours shortly after arrival, and in the intervening period made another visit along to the Museum where there is an extensive collection of memorabilia and many information boards, from which much information has been gleaned for this blog.

During the period 1786 to 1938 the Stevenson family were responsible for the desisgn and building of 156 lighthouses around the coast of Scotland, including the lamps and optics, the engine room, the buildings, buoys and beacons, the radios and piers. The need was great, during the survey period and the building stage from 1790 until Skerryvore’s completion in 1844, more than thirty vessels had floundered on and around this reef! The toll of ships lost down the years must have been very considerable. Allan Stevenson, uncle of the well known writer and poet Robert Louis Stevenson, was the engineer in charge, and Skerryvore took three years to complete. The left hand side of the map below shows its exact location. His nephew descsribed Skerryvore as ‘the noblest of all extant deep- sea lights’ and considered by many to be the world’s most elegant and perfect lighthouse!

Well it seemed as if the weather would prevent us from achieving our goal to visit, but on the last day of our holiday we received news that the 2.5 hours return trip was on. The sea was fairly calm as we left Scarinish and followed the coastline along to Hynish to view the Museum from the sea. We then headed out towards the lighthouse and encountered a small pod of dolphins who swam alongside, which was so amazing to see. Later as we approached Skerryvore we enclountered a heavy sea swell, which prevented us getting as close to the lighthouse as we would have liked. Somehow this seemed to add to the trip, as we experienced the wildness and isolation of the place, and witnessed the changing sea conditions. It also let us see just how difficult it must have been on many occasions to change the lighthouse keepers at the end of their tour of duty.

We now have company as a pod of dolphins join us!

Approaching Skerryvore we encounter a large sea swell, but there it was – SKERRYVORE !

Reflection: The lighthouse has now been in use for 179 years on one of the most dangerous and exposed reefs to be found anywhere in the world, and one can only marvel at the skill, ingenuity and bravery of the men who designed and built it, and it is said, ‘with no loss of life‘! Four thousand three hundred blocks of rose coloured granite were used in its construction, it stands 156 ft tall with a diameter of 42 feet at the base and 16 feet at the top and weights 4,377 tonnes! This light has undoutedly saved many many lives, and we ‘take off our hats‘, to its designers, builders, and to the lighthouse keepers and maintenance engineers down through the years.

I bought this model of the lighthouse from ‘Tiree Sea Tours’ as a reminder of our exciting and memorable trip, and it currently has ‘pride of place’ on our mantlepiece. 🙂

The model also reminds me of another model lighthouse that I had many years ago. When I was in my twenties and thirties I was often asked to convey the Christian message to groups of children and young people, and it was always good to have an ‘object lesson’. So I had a cool 18″ tall lighthouse that lit up, that was very popular, and which I often used. Becoming a Jesus follower you see is all about heeding a warning light sent from heaven, telling us that humanity is in the dark and in great danger, and needs to steer a different course if they are to land safely on heaven’s shore, and avoid the wreckage of sin that the Bible names hell!

The warning LIGHT from heaven of course was JESUS. The Gospel of John starts with these words – ‘In the beginning was the Word, (Jesus) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.……. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world

Jesus said of Himself “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Yes there is a light that shines into the darkness of our all our hearts, (The true light that gives light to everyone) warning us to steer a different course, and it is the light of Christ. Remember, His name Jesus means Saviour, and no matter how undeserving we are or lost we might feel, if we come to Him he guarantees to save us from the consequences of our sin, made possible because of His substituitonary death on our behalf at Calvary, followed by His resurrection and ascension.

Skerryvore is the perfect illustration of that other light shining in the darkness – Jesus. He is the firm foundation on which we can build our lives, a rock sure and steadfast. When we come to Him His Word becomes a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Why not come?

Here is a video of that trip we made to Skerryvore, which I hope you enjoy

A Sea Trip to Skerryvore Lighthouse

Have a great summer if you are here in Europe, but be blessed wherever you are, and remember Jesus, the Light of the World!


Gardening, Local Beauty Spots and …….?

The Clyde Estuary from Skelmorlie

In my last blog I was speaking about a change of plan, which led to us visiting Scotland’s most ‘Southerly Point’. However we did manage to reinstate the planned visit with the family at Skelmorlie, and were blessed by amazing weather. So before I share about the garden here are a few photographs.

The hills of Clyde, the wonderful Clyde’

For the past few weeks however I have spent some time in the garden and greenhouse. The grass was cut and strimmed, the patio power washed and paths weeded. It’s been good to have the help of my grandson and my long forbearing wife! We have enjoyed the Spring flowers and the tulips in particular have been beautiful.

Its Springtime in the Garden!

With the Greenhouse now up and running, some seeds have been sown in the propagators, and some are already being repotted. ‘Plug plants’ bought locally are also being brouught-on, and will soon be ready for planting out once the threat of frost has past. This year I’ve reduced the number of tomato plants to four, but I’m still planning to grow the usual peppers, corn, chives, parsley and lettuce, and three bags of potatoes amd one bucket of carrots! I have also installed some new shelves (see below) in the greenhouse and plan to grow some house plants just for fun and a change. Plans are one thing, but I’ll wait and pray, to see how the season progresses. Here are some pics.

The Greenhouse at the beginning of the season 2023

April of course brings us into ‘Summertime’ and clock settings have moved on one hour, so its great to note that the sun is not setting now until 8.40pm. This allows us to have a short drive to some of the local beauty spots, in the evenings, as an alternative to the afternoons. Here’s some pics of local beauty spots visited this month!


Gardening in Scotland is always tricky business as the weather fluctuates so quickly. Today the sun was shining as I worked in the greenhouse, but as we went shopping in late afternoon, the sky was dark and we had heavy hailstones. Tonight the greenhouse will definitely require the heater as the temperature is due to drop below freezing again. So we need to keep on guard as things change quite rapidly.

Below is the poem which is carved in the plaque above ‘the Bonnie wee well‘, on the Gleniffer Braes, which we visited the other night. I remember the first time my mother took me there for a drink as a wee boy when we were walking on the hills. It seems a shame to see it looking rather dilapidated now, with the well dried up. The larks, which as children we watched on the moor, now also seem to be few and far between. Great memories however of this place.

“The bonnie wee well on the briest o’ the brae, where the hare steals to drink in the gloamin’ sae’ gray, Where the wild moorland birds dip their nebs and tak wing and the Lark weets its whistle ere mountain to sing”. Hugh Macdonald – 1817-1860

Springtime is my favourite season of the year, as everything is bursting into life again after the wet and dreary weather, which we had for much of this past winter.

And of course, Springtime always includes Easter, and at our Church we had a special weekend remembering the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. First a meal together then Communion on the Friday night, followed by a service in the park on Sunday morning, with ‘an egg hunt’ for the kids. The main Easter Service brought the Church together for a great celebration, when we joined with Christians from around the world proclaiming, and celebrating the fact that ‘Christ is Risen’! Then on Easter Monday there was a picnic at ‘The Kelpies’ near Falkirk to cap a great weekend. You can listen to the Sunday sermon here, well worth a listen!

I did say in my last blog that I would tell of other places we visited when down in the Mull of Galloway, but I decided to make a short video instead, which you can see here. (A six minute watch) I hope you enjoy it.

Trust you are well wherever you are! I wish you successful gardening, and God’s blessing.


South to Scotland’s Most Southerly Point!

We had planned to be on the Ayrshire Coast for the weekend, but due to unforseen circumstances we ended up in the town of Stranraer instead. Stranraer is considered the main gateway to Northern Ireland, and is famous for its ‘P&O’ and ‘Stena’ ferry terminals nearby. That has been our reasons for visiting the town in the past, but this time we had other ideas!

We found accommodation at the ‘Neptune Rest Guest House’, which was next to the shoreline and ideally suited for a gentle stroll along the promenade. We received a typically warm Scottish welcome, and found the place to be comfortable, clean and we enjoyed a more than ample breakfast. The location was also perfect for our plan to visit the Logan Botanical Garden and the Mull of Galloway!

Logan Botanical Garden

We arrived at the garden early in the day and enjoyed the peace and quiet of this ever so beautiful place, with its walled and wooded gardens and conservatory. So few people around at this time, and so the birds and fowl were easily spotted and kept up their song thoughout our stay. Far too many photos to show but here is a selection.

Logan Botanical Garden

The conservatory was smaller than expected but still well worth a visit. >

Logan Conservatory

We so loved this Garden, and wonder why we took so long to discover it? But soon it was time to move on through various picturesque villages to a wilder and more rugged country at the most southerly tip of the Mull, and indeed Scotland!

Drumore and the Most Southerly Point of Scotland

As we made our way back to Stranraer in late afternoon I made a quick stop to see the Kirkmadrine Stones, whilst Muriel relaxed in the car. This was a quiet, deserted, dramatic and atmospheric place. Let these few pictures tell their own story.

Visiting the Kirkmadrine Stones

Reflections: We visited a few more places during our visit but, all being well, these will form part of a later blog. Sometimes when you have to change plans quickly you feel a bit apprehensive, but on this occasion it all turned out better than we had imagined.

The beauty, and peace and quiet of the gardens contrasted so sharply with the wild landscape and the rugged coastline, the waves surging against the steep cliffs and the majestic views across the Irish Sea. And then the visit to the Kirkmadrine Stones just seemed to perfectly finish the day.

On reflection I thought that the day for many of us, was like a metaphor of life itself. The garden representing carefree years full of life, excitement, plans and expectations, and the wild and exposed headland and surging waves representing years that see storms, tragedies and dangers coming from unexpected directions, and then the Kirkmadrine Stones representing us fading into old age and eventually to life’s end.

However as I stood quietly on top of that small hill and looked and read these ancient stones (some dating back to 500-600 AD) I thought of those who had lived, and worshipped the Lord Jesus Christ in that little Church building, and who died and were buried there. Then my eye caught the inscription on the tall stone shown above. It was a quotation from the book of Revelation, spoken by Jesus after His resurrection. it reads “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” These words of Jesus transformed the scene before my eyes. For the truth of the words promised to his followers in John 11.25,26 have been demonstrated not only in the resurrection of Lazarus, but ultimately vindicated in Jesus’ own resurrection.

Christians all around the world celebrate Easter, and we do as well. We humble ourselves to consider Christ’s death on a cruel cross, his burial in a borrowed tomb, sealed with a heavy stone, and greatly rejoice at his amazing resurrection. We then apply that truth again to ourselves just as countless millions have done down the years, the Son of God loved me, and gave Himself for me’!

I was reminded of that as I turned to come down the hill and took a last look back at the cross. Yes, in spite of indifference, and opposition to the good news of Jesus ‘the Cross is still there after all these years‘ and Jesus still invites us to come for forgiveness and to find new life through repentence and faith in His finished work. It took us a longtime to discover the wonder of the Logan Botanic Garden, and it takes some folks a longtime to discover the unsurpassable beauty of Jesus and His love. But it’s still not too late, so why not come this Easter?

Wherever you are, I wish you God’s blessing this Easter


PS: If you think Easter is too good to be true try listening to Pastor Colin Adams on the subject – it’s just 5.50 minutes in length.

A tribute to my sister Mary Jarvie Macfarlane (nee McKinnon)

6th June 1928 – 16th February 2023

Mary was the first child of Alex and Mary McKinnon and was born into a room and kitchen in McLellan Street in Ibrox, on the southside of Glasgow. She had five siblings, a sister Margaret and four brothers Alex, Martin, Andrew and (me) Matthew. The family lived through the years of the great depression 1929-1939, infamous for its mass unemployment, striking workers, poverty, soup kitchens and deprivation. In spite of the hardships of the day however, it was a very happy family, and our parents’ faith in God gave them strength and faith for the challenges of the day and hope for the future.

When the family moved to Shawlands in 1941 we joined Greenview Gospel Hall (now Greenview Church) and there Mary made many friends. She wrote ‘I became a Christian at 10 and was baptised at Greenview Hall aged 14.  This decision to be a Christian has shaped my life’. It certainly did, as she soon became involved in all the works of the Church, later serving in various church committees and was always at the centre of things.

Mary left school at 14 years of age and worked in a local bakery as a shop assistant for 14 years. When mum became terminally ill she left her work, which she loved, to look after her, and to become mother and housekeeper for all of the family. That sense of care for others typified the whole of her life.

Mary later started work in Rolls Royce as a clerkess after my mother’s homecall in 1957, and in due time met John Macfarlane. She had spoken to him about her Christian faith and his need of salvation. This led John to look again at what Christianity was all about, and in time came to accept the truth of the Gospel. John then became a Christian by repentance, and faith in Jesus. Soon their relationship flourished and they were married in Queen’s Park Baptist Church in 1974. They spent many happy years together, while serving the Lord in the church. Sadly John died in the early nineties from angina.

The family all loved and appreciated Mary, and whilst having no children of her own, she supported all of her siblings and their spouses, and her sixteen neices and nephews and their children too!.

For the last two decades and more, Mary was devoted to work amongst asylum seekers and refugees in Glasgow, serving at Queen’s Park Baptist Church’s ‘Drop in Centre’. There she met people from many different countries and social and religious backgrounds. She at times spoke and wrote letters on their behalf, visited them in their homes and became their friend. That friendship was reciprocated as seen in recent years, as so many came to visit her with gifts of food and flowers during the pandemic. Far too many to mention by name but, the Lord knows who you are. The photos above are just a few downloaded from her iPad.

For many years Mary and her sister Margaret spent much time together after the home call of their respective husbands, and when Margaret died in 2011, Muriel and I had Mary almost every Saturday. When she was well into her eighties she surprised me one Saturday by announcing that she had decided to adapt to the 21st Century and could I please buy her one of these tablet things! So that Autumn and Winter she would arrive with her tablet and notepad, and with a load of questions. How does this work, how can I do this etc etc. She would practice all week and come back the following week to tell us how she had managed, and so it continued.

Mary was a very organised person, she seldom went to bed without knowing what her plan was for tomorrow. She meticulously wrote up her diary  every day, who phoned, who called, what food she ate, and how the birds were getting on in the nest outside her window! Her daily Bible Reading and Prayer times were a priority for Mary. In a recent blog I was sharing a quote that said ‘ We are all worshippers of someone or something‘. Mary worshipped the God of the Bible, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in singing and action. Always asking the Lord to tell her what He wanted her to do. She was great on Zoom and loved participating in Church services on Sundays, and logging on to the Women’s Prayer Fellowship on a Tuesday afternoon with her friend Lena’s group. All this right up until the weekend before she was called home.

The last words written in Mary’s diary a few weeks before she died said ‘Thanks be to God’, and when she was found in the morning after she died, it was in a kneeling position beside her bed with head resting on her hands. That just seemed so appropriate to all of us who knew and loved Mary.


  The the book of Genesis in the Bible says ‘And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.‘ Gen 5.24 – I smile at the story told of a Sunday School Teacher as she explained this text to her children. She reputedly said ‘Well you see, Enoch walked and talked with God every day. One day the time was getting late, so God said to Enoch we’ve walked a long distance together, so why don’t you just come awa’ hame wi’ me’! At Ninety four, Mary was a woman who had walked a long way with the God she loved, since that day as a ten year old when she had asked for her sins to be forgiven and had committed her life to Jesus Christ! So that’s why we can confidently say ‘She’s gone home to be with the Lord‘ just as he promised.

So much more could be said, but in the meantime I, the last of the siblings, and many others will greatly miss Mary, she has been my sister and friend for all of my life, but with others I will treasure her memory until we meet again. And Mary would want me to add ‘Have you considered walking the rest of your life with the God who loves you’?


Parks and Walks close to Home! Home?

Glasgow Botanical Gardens – Kibble’s Palace

This month I had lots of things happening in my life, so we tended to stay close to home. The weather was mostly dry, but still very cold, but we visited a number of parks for some excercise and had a special visit to the Botanical Gardens. Usually we come here later in the year when all the Spring flowers are on display, but we enjoyed this winter visit none-the-less.

The Gardens have a long history going back more than 200 years, and currently have a collection of over 9,000 different plants, with most growing in the temperate and tropical greenhouses. Entrance is free, and its lovely to go there out of the cold in the winter. Just inside the entrance to the park there is a mobile kitchen selling a variety of hot and cold food and drinks at a reasonable price. Parking meters are on the streets surrounding the park, and we have always managed to park on Great Western Road just a few hundred yards from the park entrance.

The Orchid House

We always like to start in the ‘orchid house’, which has a large variety of plants some in glass cases, others in the central and side stalls, and some hanging from the ceiling. There is also a tropical pond here. The smell of the plants in the warm humid atmosphere is something to be enjoyed.

The Cactus House

The next glasshouse couldn’t be more different with its Cactus and arid loving plants. This always brings back memories of times spent working and travelling abroad

The Tropics and Jungle House

Now we did feel as if we were in the tropics as we viewed the beautiful selection of ferns, palms and other large tropical plants. I even spotted some sugar cane, which played a major role in my working life.

The Begonia House

Then to the ‘Begonia House’ where we enjoyed the display of this amazing plant in all its varieties. I enjoy growing them in the garden as they seem to keep flowering all summer.

Kibble’s Palace

Then we went to the beautiful ‘Kibble’s Palace’ and sat in the quietness with a cup of tea and a sandwich from the mobile kitchen, and soaked in the atmosphere of the place. Here you are surrounded by amazing plants, and sculptures, mostly with a Biblical theme. We are indebted to the men and women who work behind the scenes to make this facility available to us.

A few other places and parks where we walked in February.

Reflections: When I review my photographs for the months of February and early March, I realise how blessed we are having so many beautiful places to visit so close to home, and in fact so blessed to have a home where we can find warmth and shelter, food and water, and have neighbours, family and friends around us.

This weekend Gary Lineker’s tweet has again brought to the fore the pliight of countless thousands of migrants and refugees, many ordinary people like us, who are desperately seeking just such a place to call ‘home’. Meantime governments in the wealthy nations search for ways to control the influx, so as to be able to choose who can gain entry, and how they can contribute to the economy and pay towards healthcare and social services. The figures are staggering! According to the UN 89.3 million people worldwide are displaced – 27.1 million refugees (about half under the age of 18) – 53.2 million internally displaced – 4.6 million asylum seekers. 1 in every 88 people in the world have been forced to flee. All this as a result of wars, civil unrest and violence. Since then, we have also had the earthquakes in Turkey, where an estimated 1.5 million were made homeless.

Meantime the nations of the world continue to increase their military expenditure by billions of dollars. Does that help the problem or exasperate it? Figures from the internet for 2023 are staggering. The top ten nations for military expenditure are shown here.

CountryMilitary Expenditure $ in billions
The United States778
India 72.8
United Kingdom59.2
Saudi Arabia57.5 (estimated)
Germay 52.8
South Korea45.7
Total1,481. billion
Add all the other nations military expenditure and we are talking about an annual expenditure approaching $2 trillion.
Military Expenditure 2023

I can certainly recommend Tearfund, and if you would like to give to help the displaced of the world you can log-on here:

For many I guess these are just some rather sad but necessary statistics, but this weekend I was reminded of one visit I made to a camp for displaced peope in Sudan, when I worked with Tearfund in Africa. Seeing children dying of malnutrition, and watching a mother’s tears as she tells how she lost two of her children on her journey to the camp, are scenes one never forgets. I’m sure many of you have heard such stories first hand.

With fellow workers we sometimes talked and dreamed of the possibilities, if military budgets around the world could be suspended for just one year, and funds re directed instead to the needs of the poor and destitute, to provide food, water, shelter, education, healthcare …. but sadly that’s still just a dream!

But in the midst of that vista of gloom and darkness we were surprised one night when a group of young people came to visit us at our tented camp. We were sitting around an open fire in the field and they had come to sing to us. They sang with such joy and enthusiasm, and the theme of their song? well, actually they were singing about their hope and trust in Jesus! That was back in the nineties, and Africa’s development has come a long way since then. However, it is still true today, that in all of life’s circumstances having a personal faith and trust in Jesus as your Saviour and friend is a life transforming experience, which can give you peace and hope no matter what life throws at you.

I’ll finish with Psalm 84, which we were reading with our church friends last night. The psalmist speaks of his longing to be in the presence of God and in His house, and finishes by saying ‘blessed is the one who trusts in you‘. Here it is presented by the Dornoch Free Church Praise band, from the North East of Scotland. Enjoy.

PS: The first plug plants are in the greenhouse, so praying the temperature will soon start to rise. Have a great Spring!


Out and about in Winter

The weather here in the Central belt of Scotland during winter is a mixture of wind and rain, snow and frost with some dreich days in between! The temperature hovers around freezing, and the days are short, but if you watch the forecast you can always spot a good day coming up, which enables you to get out and about, if the diary is free! In January we managed two days away which we really enjoyed, so here are some photos of our trips.

On the 16th January we headed for Culzean Castle on the Ayrshire Coast on a cold sunny and windy day. On reaching the park we walked in the woods rather than along the coastal path to avoid the worst of the wind. But it was a beautiful walk!

The Swan Pond – Culzean Castle

It’s great to see the ducks, swans and gannets that frequent the pond area and also to spot the many robins that also call this place home. Oh, and there was the monster!

We next made our way to the Visitors’ Centre where we enjoyed some views of the castle and a lovely lunch in the restaurant.

Culzean Castle on a winter’s afternoon

We then made our way home along the coastal road through Dunure, and were home just before dark around 4.30pm

Coastal route home via Dunure

Ten days later we managed another of our favourite trips from Glasgow to Dunoon, via Loch Lomond, the ‘Rest and be Thankful’ pass, Hell’s Glen, Strachur on Loch Fyne, and Ardentinny on Loch Long, before catching the ferry from Dunoon to Gourock. It was an amazing drive! We then had a bite to eat at Nardini’s restaurant in Largs before driving home.

At Strachur you can continue on the direct route to Dunoon or take the long route via Glendaruel. That day we chose the direct Dunoon route, but then took the detour to Ardentinny and Loch Long.

The shores of Loch Long and the Dunoon ferry

Reflection: It’s tempting as you get older to just sit at home in these cold winter days, but its better for your health and wellbeing if you can get up and walk around, and if possible get out and about. If not on a trip we sometimes go to a large shopping complex near our home and enjoy a walk up and down the mall which is nicely heated, and then have a seat in the areas provided. Of course we can also look in the shop windows at all the things we don’t need! 🙂

Sitting at the fireplace with a cup of tea and a good book on a winters night however is a great blessing. I mostly enjoy reading from my ‘Kindle App’ on my ipad as I can adjust the print size, and the brightness of my screen with a click of a button. Most of all I love the ability on Kindle to highlight passages that I find of particular interest, as these are automatically saved. This allows me at anytime to review them at will and reflect on what I’ve read, which is great. Here’s a few of the books I’ve enjoyed, which I would recommend irrespective of whether it is a hard copy or a digital version.

All being well, soon we will be into Spring, and it will be time for garden and greenhouse. I have some new ideas for this year, so lets see if they materialise!

Best wishes from Glasgow


PS: I guess my subscribers are wondering why I didn’t recommend the world’s best selling book the Bible in my ‘book recommendations’, as it is a book I truly love. However I would like to recommend that you listen to the British actor Sir David Suchet reading Mark’s Gospel. It truly is inspiring and if you are like me, it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up!

‘Let’s talk Turkey’, or Turkiye!

One of my favourite photos from our holidays in Turkey

In my thinking and readings of late, I have been reminded of our visits to this land of sunshine, friendly people, great hotels, and interesting places. Turkey also has a fascinating history, and is blessed by a beautiful coastline along the north- eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Hence this blog!

The Republic of Turkey (or Turkiye) is a land that sits astride two continents, the largest area by far being in Asia and a much smaller part being in Europe. This year, on the 29th October, the nation will celebrate its 100th Anniversary since the national declaration of the Republic of Turkey. A nation frequently in the news, and a main player in what seems like the never ending wars and conflicts besetting the Middle-East. For many ordinaray folks, however, the national name Turkey, brings to memory the name of a great place to enjoy a holiday!

If you have never been to Turkey, I guess that you will have heard stories from others who have spent a holiday or business trip there! To start with, here are a few of my favourite photographs which illustrate the attraction of Turkey as a holiday resort. Oh, and if you come home without having bought a leather jacket or handbag, or a ‘real fake’ designer ‘T shirt” you have missed a ‘bargain’! 🙂

Much to see and do and for all tastes!

Our days of holidays on the beach with the children have long gone, but we do love visiting many places of historical interest, and as I’ve said, Turkey abounds with such places. The Bible’s New Testament, records not only the historical facts surrounding the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah, but the establishment and spread of the Christian Church. Initially this was throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, including Galatia – which is now very much a part of Turkey. On our last visit there, we joined a tour group, visiting the locations of seven particular churches to whom Jesus wrote, and delivered his letters by the Apostle John in the last book of the Bible. Their names? Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. You can locate them from the map shown below.

* map from the 2nd edition of IVP’s New Bible Dictionary

John the Apostle sent these letters to the seven churches around AD 95. You can read the story for yourself in Revelation Chapters 1-3. It was a fascinating trip, and brought to us an understanding of the geographical locations and also the significance of these letters. Here are some photos of the seven places we visited, home to these churches, with the briefest of descriptions.

To the Church in Ephesus – ‘I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance.... but….

Ephesus our first tour stop – This city we are told dates back to 1000BC, before coming under the control of the Romans in 129BC. It features very much in the New Testament during the travels of the Apostle Paul, and in fact the NT also records another letter from Paul, written to the church here. The ruins of Ephesus are absolutely astounding, and a wonder to behold. I’ve got to say that the library building in design and ambience, is a work of art and somewhat out-classes our local library today! Rev.2:1

Smyrna – (now Izmir) is a very large city sitting on the Aegean coast of Anatolia, and an excellent shipping port. Unfortunately we did not see any ancient church ruins here, but we were able to buy a rug from this friendly lady. And on our first visit to Turkey we did attend a 21st century Church here in Izmir! Rev.2:8>

Pergamum – Travelling approximately 15 miles inland we came to what was once a rich and powerful Greek city in Mysia. It was one of the most spectacular sites we visited as you can see, with a very steep amphitheatre, and the remains of the temple of Zeus on top of the hill. Rev:2:12

To the Church in Thyatira – ‘I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance‘ …

Thyatira – Continuing on our loop around the churches we came to Thyatira. Paul the Apostle met at Phillipi a business woman from here, who was a seller of purple cloth. It has been said that perhaps she was the very first convert to Christianity in Europe! There was not a lot to see at this site now, situated in a suburb of Akhisar, but it was good to sit among the remains of this ancient church, and to consider the men and women and children who at one time worshipped here, and to contemplate the letter they received. Rev.2:18>

To the church in Sardis – ‘I know your deeds, you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.‘….

Sardis – Then in the Manisa Province we came to Sardis, once the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia. It is in such a beautiful location, situated in the Hermus valley with Mount Tmolus towering above it. The Gymnasium was spectacular, and the ancient ruins of temple, synagogue and church were fascinating to see and consider.

To the Church in Philadelphia – ‘I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no-one can shut ….’ Rev.3:7 >

Philadelphia – is now called Alasehir, it was here in the middle of the town we saw the ruins of what was once a very substantial church building. The letter to this Church was perhaps the most encouraging of all the seven letters. Not a lot to see here apart from the Church building ruins.

To the Church in Laodicea – ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot, I wish you were either one or the other! ……‘ Rev.3:14>

Laodicea – Last of the seven was Laodicea situated in what was once the ancient province of Phrygia, now called Denzil Province. It was another site we found of great interest. Here the Church’s assessment of themselves was – ‘we are rich, wealthy and in need of nothing‘. Jesus assessment of them was – ‘you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked’! Now that is a sobering thought!

Reflection: Of necessity this blog has been a bit of a whistle stop tour, and I realise that the seven letters to the Churches, may be quite unfamiliar to many who read my blog. The seven letters to seven specifice churches in what was then ‘Galatia’ are brief, dictated by Jesus and written by John who was at that time imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos. Some Bible scholars have seen these letters as prophetic, referring to seven eras of Church history. Most however see them as applying to Churches worldwide, at all times and in every place, including our Churches today. A reading of the letters also shows they are applicable to individual Christians, so they are of extreme importance to all who claim to be followers of Jesus.

The letters certainly speak frankly to these churches, commending the good with promised reward, and strongly condemming the poor spiritual and moral behaviour, and poor performance, within some of the Churches. Words that keep being repeated in each letter are the words “I know‘, ‘I know’. Jesus sees the Church collectively and its members individually. The New Testament refers to those who believe as God’s children whon he loves. In these letters he says ‘Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline, repent,’ (just as any good parent would do) and then follows these well known words:- ‘Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.’ An invitation still open to all people, in all places, at this time! I love this song, which in many ways encapsulates the call of the seven letters. Have a listen

Due to unforseen circumstances this is my first blog of 2023, so I wish everyone every blessing for the rest of the year – Matthew

Note: The use of the idiom of ‘Talking Turkey‘ has a number of suggestions as to its origin, none of which refers to the nation of Turkey! It’s said to mean lets talk about something pleasant, or lets speak frankly together. It’s something I try to do in my blog, and today I’ve used the expression to write about our experience in visiting the Republc of Turkey.

TIME flies > a photographic review of 2022.

It’s always difficult to choose which photographs to include in a yearly review! Should they be included because you think of them technically better than others? or because of the subject matter being photographed? or simply because they invoke memories of a specific day or event, which was extraordinarily special for you? For my opening photograph I’ve chosen the latter. Life had been a bit hectic in Glasgow, but after a surprise phone call we arrived on the Isle of Tiree just two days later. It was late April, and the weather was still cool but beautifully sunny. The first day there, our friend took us to an isolated beach, and left us to walk in the sunshine and quietness, with a gentle but cool wind blowing! Yep, that is a day to be remembered!

The Caolas beach in Tiree

Camera wise, time flies too! The first camera I used was the family Kodak Brownie Junior which I was allowed to commandeer for my first youth camp to Whitehills in Morayshire. I still have a photo that I took with it. Unfortunately the ‘light got in’ as I opened it to remove the film 🙂 which was a common problem with the Brownie. Actually the picture of my brother Martin has been improved considerably, because it is a photo of the original photo and digitally improved! Was it really that long ago?Time > flies!

Here’s this year’s selection then, which I enjoyed puting together, so hope you enjoy them too!

January to March 2022

April to June 2022

July to September

October to December 2022

Reflection: It takes just a few minutes of time to review with photographs the year that has now almost gone. It was a year not without its cares, challenges and difficulties, for family and friends and for ourselves. I guess that will also be true for many who read this blog in countries around the world. We don’t tend to photograph these kind of episodes in life’s journey, but we remember well the reality of them!

As we look now towards 2023 and beyond I wonder what your hopes and fears are for the times ahead? for the future? Sherman Barnes* points out that ‘between 1300 and 1700 many movements arose which claimed that human reason and creative power promised progress to a better world‘!  Other questions however arose, Is there progress in knowledge but not in morality? In political life? In wealth or is there progress in human nature? By 1914 and onward such dreams of man creating a ‘heaven on earth’ have in fact faded fast, both in the secular and religious world. Recent history surely bears that out? 

Christianity however in contrast to the gloom and doom of our news bulletins is a great message full of hope, whether in life or in death! It clains that time itself will in fact be brought to a summation by the God of history at the return of Jesus Christ, the appointed judge of all the earth. Meantime as Christians we are daily invited to walk with Him and wait expectantly for His coming! At what time, you ask? I’ll quote the supreme authority on the subject – Jesus said, You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” It’s good to be ready!

Paul the Apostle also says, ‘according to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.

A prayer for 2023: ‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’


  • *A Lion Handbook – The History of Christianity

It is Summertime, in My Heart!

When I looked out our bedroom window this morning my phone was registering a temperature of minus 7 degrees centigrade, so it was tempting to stay in bed. The resident robin however was looking in the window, just to remind me that the seed box needed topping up! It was certainly a Christmas Card setting, lovely to look at, but how thankful we were that the central heating is still fuctioning well. And the garden looks somewhat different too in winter, take a look!

The weather changes so quickly here in Scotland and it has often been said ‘that here you can have all four seasons of weather in one day’. Just shortly before this cold snap set in, we had spent a lovely weekend with family at Skelmorlie on the Clyde Coast. It’s winter, so the days are short, but one advantage is that the place is quiet and it’s easy to find a place to park. We visited the Isle of Cumbrae on the Saturday, and it seemed as if we had the island to ourselves.

By 3.30pm we were headed back for the ferry just before dark, after stopping off at the Ritz cafe for something to eat and a hot drink and to play the Juke Box! 🙂

Soon we were back home to the family’s place at Skelmorlie. There is nothing quite like sitting toasting your feet at a warm fire on a winter’s night, after your evening meal, and enjoying some good conversation. Then its off to bed!

Reflection: You’ll have noticed the strange heading of this blog ‘It’s summertime in my heart‘? I know summertime is not actually reflected very much in the story or photographs. These however were the words of an old song that came to mind as I looked out of the window this morning. We sang them at our Youth Camps many years ago and still they come to mind.

Summertime In My Heart
It is summertime, in my heart
It is summertime, in my heart
Since Jesus saved me
New Life He gave me
Ev’n in wintertime, it’s summer in my heart.

I wonder what your reflections are when you think back to summer days in your childhood? For me I remember sunny days and going out to play with my pals in the ‘bluebell woods’ just a couple of hundred yards from where we stayed. Time was spent having our picnic, building dens, playing cops and robbers, and best at falling, and climbing the trees. Then there were family holidays by the seaside ….

Winter of course was different, foggy days, ice and snow, wind and rain, scurvy legs and Snowfire, a hot salt sock round your neck for a sore throat, cod liver oil and malt, and your chest rubbed with Vick! 🙂 Games nights at home, table tennis, Ludo, Halma and Snakes and ladders, and push-h’apenny!

Two very different seasons!

Life of course has its changing seasons too! I think in the good times we could say ‘its summer in my heart’, and in times of difficulty ‘it is winter in my heart’. The childhood song above tells how Jesus makes a difference even in the winter times, which come to us all throughout life. At Christmas time we remember His Name was Jesus because he came to be a Saviour, and still is. He gives new life to all who will open their hearts to Him. He saves from our sin and its consequences, He stays beside us as our comforter and guide, and leads us safely home.

Jesus calls, ‘Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.’

I’m so glad I opened the door of my heart to Him, he has been the light of summer and of winter in my journey thus far through life. JESUS is God’s unspeakable gift at Christmas!

Happy Christmas to all my followers and fellow bloggers!


A Tribute to Daddy!

Well, not many children today use the term ‘daddy’, but back in the nineteen thirties and forties me and my siblings, and all my pals called their Mother – ‘mammy’, and their Father, ‘daddy’. Today is the anniversary of his death in 1978, so I was looking at some old photos, and recalling many happy childhood and life memories.

Dad was born at Wolesley Street in Glasgow in 1895; these were the days of horse drawn trams, and stage coaches, and when ‘horse and carts’ were the main means of transporting goods as the photo below illustrates. The family moved to the Ibrox area of Glasgow when he was still a child, and there he attended the ‘Band of Hope’, a child’s club at the local church. One night they taught the children a new song, ‘Jesus wants me for a sunbeam’. On arriving back home he found the house empty as his mammy was at a neighbour’s house and daddy was out. So he tells how he knelt at the black fire grate and prayed “Jesus if you want me for a sunbeam, I’ll be a sunbeam for you‘. You might think that a bit crazy, childish and simplistic, but Jesus loves the children as the Gospels tell us, and the truth is my daddy spent the rest of his 83 years as an ardent follower of Jesus, and always put that down to his early childhood prayer!

With countless others he lived through two world wars and the great depresssion. He had trained and worked as an engineer, but during ‘the great depression’ he managed to get some work as a welding company van driver. These were the days of community ‘soup kitchens’ and great hardship, but somehow by the grace of God, there was always food on the table. He was an inspector at Rolls Royce during much of my lifetime and worked long hours Monday to Saturday in aid ot the war effort during WWII. He had met Mary Smiith at the Bethel Mission in Kinning Park and they married in 1927. They had a family of six children. The youngest one in the pram, is not named ‘Boris’ but Matthew 🙂

Most of my earliest memories were after we moved from Ibrox to a new council flat in Shawlands. There we were enrolled in due time at the local schools and at Church Sunday school. The boys also joined the local Boys Brigade, and were regulars at our own church in Pollokshaws, who held a weekly Children’s hour packed to the door with kids. No TV in these days!! History in someways repeated itself, as just after one such children’s hour, where they were serialising the story of John Bunyon’s best selling book ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’ accompanied by ‘Lantern Slides’, we arrived back home and our daddy was asked, how can you be sure you will go to heaven when you die? He explaianed to us in childlike terms, the amazing story of God’s love for us, and how Jesus died in our place, and rose from the dead, so we can be forgiven. Then me and my three brothers prayed the ‘Sorry’, ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’ prayer to Jesus. Sorry for my sin, thank you for dying in my place, please come into my life and be my Saviour and friend. So that’s when and how our life as Christians began.

We were a family with a love for the great outdoors, and before the days of cars, we walked for miles on Saturday afternoons after daddy came home from work. Our parents always managed to take us on holiday at the ‘Glasgow Fair’ each year, usually to a place on the Clyde Coast but occasionally further afield. Here are some photos.

My Father gave us all lots of good advice throughout life, and led by example in key areas of honesty, integrity, consistency and commitment to his word. He was a man of sincere faith and prayer, with many down to earth examples on practical living in the home and workplace, and also in love and faithfulness within marriage. One piece of advice he gave me that stands out above the rest, and has stood the test of time, was from the book of Proverbs chapter 3:5,6. It reads

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

I know of course that not everyone has good memories of their father, which is very sad. Of course no earthly father is perfect, and neither was mine, but we do have a Heavenly Father who is, and who loves us beyond measure, and we can come to Him in complete confidence and trust. He already knows all about us, our mistakes, our troubles, joys and sorrows, so we can speak openly and honestly to Him in the Name of Jesus. Perhaps a simple Sorry, Please, and Thankyou prayer to start with?

‘Mammy and Daddy’

Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam – Children’s hymn lyrics

  1. Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, To shine for him each day; In ev’ry way try to please him, At home, at school, at play.
  2. Chorus: A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I’ll be a sunbeam for him.
  3. Jesus wants me to be loving, And kind to all I see, Showing how pleasant and happy His little one can be.

Blessings as you prepare to celebrate Christmas.


Stop! Look up, and stand in awe!

A view through our bedroom window

People have been looking to the night skies for millennia, eager to understand the wonders of our universe, and our place amidst the myriad of stars. The book of Job, written somewhere between 6000 – 4000 BC speaks of God in reference to the stars and constellations, familiar in our world of today. Quote –

He alone stretches out the heavens
and treads on the waves of the sea.
He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion,
the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.
Job 9:8,9

Countless books and charts have been made by astronomers and astrologers, and now with the right app you can just point your ipad at the night sky and identify the stars and planets as they make their regular circuits in the silence of the night.

An example of my night photographs

As I look through my library of photographs I’m amazed at how many photos I have of the moon and night sky, in spite of my limited knowledge and equipment. Above are just a few taken recently on the edge of the city with all of its light pollution, so I think it’s time we made another trip to the ‘dark sky park’ in Ayrshire, or alternatively perhaps we could visit the planetarium? Yes, that’s exactly what we did!

Glasgow Science Centre including Planetarium and IMAX theatre

This is the Science Centre on the banks of the river Clyde, which runs through the heart of Glasgow. Among many other wonders at the Science Centre is the Planetarium

The Planetarium, plus the planet Information board

It’s amazing just to lie back and be guided around the sky by an expert, and although the quality of the sound was unfortunately not too great from the hand held microphone, somehow it didn’t seem to matter too much. Lying there just trying to grasp the size and scale of our galaxy with its billions of stars, and considering the countless other galaxies, that was in itself enough to keep this old mind of mine fully occupied. Unfortunately photography was not allowed, but the above charts of the planets (in order, from the nearest to the sun first) were in public display. It should be said however that ‘Pluto’ has now been down graded from a planet to a ‘mini planet’.

Photos from ‘Our beautiful planet’ 3D film at the Imax theatre.

A few weeks later we heard that the IMAX theatre were showing a 3D film entitled ‘Our Beautiful Planet’ so we made plans to see it. Above are some shots taken during the show, plus a couple of photos from our earlier visit to the Planetarium display area. The 3D experience makes you feel as if you are right there in the International Space Station, looking out of the windows – absolutely amazing! The Earth shines like a jewel in the canopy of space, and in spite of much searching no other inhabitants in space have as yet been found. Scientists however say they have located a planet similar to earth, but it is said to be 500 light years away. To reach it would take approximately 18 million years! Sometimes you feel it is beyond comprehension. So many statistics to blow your mind! Here’s another one I came across recently – If the sun was a hollow sphere how many ‘Earth size’ planets would it take to fill it? Well, it is said to be 1.3 million earths, and our star the Sun, is a dwarf sompared to other stars in our galaxy. Whew!

Reflection: This week I was talking on line to my great grandson who goes to school in Africa, and was asking ‘What were you learning at school today? He said ‘GG’ (Great Grandpa) ‘we are doing a project on the planets, and I was asked to introduce it to the other classes‘. Not bad for a wee guy about to turn six years of age. A day or so later I received a newsletter from a Christan friend also working in Africa and he sent me this photo of their ‘Kids Club’, He said, the children are memorising Psalm 8. Psalm 8?

‘When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
What is man that You are mindful of him’.

600+ children at the kids club!

They did not know I was reading ‘The Planets’ a best seller by Andrew Cohen with Professor Brian Cox, plus re-reading Lee Strobel’s book, written as an investigative journalist, ‘The Case for a Creator’. All facinating stuff which certainly gives one a reality check, if we are getting too carried away with our own importance!

The advances made in the study and exploration of the universe during the last 30+ years have been quite staggering to say the least. Much has been said and written about the fine tuning of the universe. Strobel says, ‘Just about everything about the basic structure of the universe is balanced on a razor’s edge for life to exist. The coincidences are far too fantastic to attribute this to mere chance … the dials are set too precisely to have been a random accident. Somebody, as Fred Hoyle quipped, has been monkeying with the physics’. A number of examples are given to illustrate the point, but you had best read it for your self. All this of course points to an intelligent design and to what the Bible has always claimed. Let one quote suffice:
‘Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You. Jeremiah 32:17

It reminds me of Robert Jastrow’s quote: ‘For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.’

i’m not too sure about all theologians, but I am constantly impressed with the Bible and the God of whom it speaks. The God of the universe – the infinite, and the God of the human cell – the finite, with its amazing DNA code. The God who has made himself known in creation, through his written word, and finally through His Son Jesus Christ. And although He is often described as the creator, the maker and upholder of all things, yet when he speaks of Himself he says ‘Come to me …. for I am gentle and lowly of heart and you will find rest for your soul’ Infinite love, infinite grace, infinite mercy …….. Graham Kendrick’s song ‘The Sevant King’ expresses it so well:

From Heaven, You came helpless babe, Entered our world, your glory veiled Not to be served but to serve, And give Your life that we might live

Come see His hands and His feet, The scars that speak of sacrifice, Hands that flung stars into space, To cruel nails surrendered

This is our God, The Servant King He calls us now to follow Him. To bring our lives as a daily offering Of worship to The Servant King

How amazing that God not only knows us, but everything about us. That can be comforting, and that can be a bit scary too, considering we must all stand before Him one day! You can listen to Graham Kendrick’s lovely song here

Thanks for reading thus far, and yes I would recommend a visit to the Planetarium and Imax theatre complex in Glasgow, or one close to where you are.

God bless


How many miles have you travelled?

Now that’s what I call a Steam Engine – Ah!

Some great journeys have been undertaken on foot! George Meegan left the southern tip of South America in 1977 and walked 19,019 miles to the Northernmost tip of Alaska. All this at a time when so many different means of transport were available! Looking back to my childhood in the 1940’s I remember that walking was a way of life for us as children, both as a necessity and as a pleasure, but who can guess how many miles we walked? But for all of us things have now dramatically changed!

Recently we spent an afternoon at the Riverside Museum in Glasgow where we saw on display the huge range of transport used and developed in the last century. Everything from giant locomotives to motorcycles and even horse drawn carriages! It portrays the expertise of the Industrial Revolution and reminds us why Glasgow was once called ‘the second city of the Empire’. Here are some of the items on this amazing display!

The Riverside Museum – Entrance is free.

At the quayside next to the Museum itself, is moored the sailing ship the ‘Glenlee’, which is a museum in itself. There are also models of the many famous ships built on the river Clyde, during its heyday as a world leader in shipbuilding. One notable, and perhaps most important exception at the museum, was the lack of any ‘aircraft.’ So here now is a glimpse of some of the items on display.

The locomotives on display, are to say the least, hugely impressive, and the one shown above looks in excellent shape, having been exported to South Africa and returned to Glasgow after 43 years of service!

The Scottish car industry was small in comparison with other nations, but the Galloway Coupe built in 1924 led the way, when the woman owner Dorothee Pullinger designed a car especially for women drivers! (read the full interesting story online) In the early 60’s Roots (Scotland) Ltd started the production of the Hillman Imp in competition to the new Morris Mini. My brother was one of the first to take up employment with them and soon was the proud owner of one of their cars.

Glasgow’s public transport system was all electric for 66 years, but trams and trolley buses were discarded in 1967 in preference to ‘the advanced’ diesel buses, which were said to be more versatile and economic. 🙂 How times and thinking change!

Many more vehicles – cars, vans and lorries are on display, just too many to share here, but the exhibit does finish on a modern note with the new Tesla electric car.

One last thing, I found was the ‘film style set’ of an old Glasgow street, complete with shops, billboards, cars and horsedrawn hearse, absolutely fascinating.

Reflection: Since then my mind has pictured all the cars, vans and buses I’ve driven over the years, and wondered how many miles I’ve covered? Above are photos of my first and current motor car. Which one do you think I have the most affinity with?

Well certainly the Ford saloon, simply because I bought a 22 year old car and it needed constant attention. I got to know the car inside out, and at the roadside over the years, it was serviced, exhaust changed, engine stripped, new piston and valves and head gasket fitted, brakes relined, and constantly washed and polished! 🙂 The Toyota Yaris with all its magic electronics and gadgetry? I just enjoy driving it! The truth is however, the Yaris too will one day end up in the scrap heap or in a museum somewhere! Even our solar system has a limited life span we are told.

So, how many miles have you travelled? Walking, running, riding, driving, sailing, or by bicycle, train or plane! Like me, I suppose if we took the time we could hazard a guess. And all for what purpose, business or pleasure? and to which destinations?

It’s good to remind ourselves that our life travels too will come to an end, and there will be a final destination! Jesus it has been calculated walked more that 21,000 miles in his life time, but he always had a final destination in mind! It was death on a cross! Why? Because he was born to die for the pupose of saving humankind from the consequences of our sin and rebellion against God. That is the message of the angels, which we will soon celebrate at Christmas. Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord. His substitutionary death, resurrection and ascension makes it possible for people like you and me to be forgiven by a Holy God and to know His peace, and be welcomed into His family and heavenly home. So how much does it cost? It is free to receive if we confess our sin and ask Him for forgiveness, but the new life we receive which Jesus referred to as being ‘born again’ by His Spirit, will change us and equip us for service for earth and heaven.

So, have we planned our final journey? or are we crossing our fingers and hoping for the best? I like this hymn by a bunch of guys singing of their guide and leader!

Matthew, always happy to talk if you wish.

Portencross, and Portencross Castle on the Firth of Clyde

Portencross Castle

Portencross village and the castle are well off the ‘beaten track’ so it is perhaps amongst one of the less well known castles in Scotland. Suffice to say, that having lived within 30 miles of it for more than half a century, I only visited it for the first time within the last two years. It is situated between Seamill and the Hunterston peninsula. The narrow ‘no through road’ which leads down to it is easily missed unless you are on the alert and look out for the junction, which sits at a busy bend in the road. Having found it, we have now made a number of visits, as it is beautifully situated with a coastal path in either direction, and lovely views across the Firth to Arran and the Cumbraes.

In the 1980’s, land and buildings that had been bought by the government with a view to expanding the Hunterston Power Station complex, was returned to private ownership. By 2005 the charity ‘Friends of Portencross Castle‘ (FOPC) had been formed locally to conserve and repair the castle for present and future generations. And what a great job they have done with the help of volunteers and external funding from organisations and individuals.

The Castle will be closed for the winter, but I was fortunate enough on my last visit to gain access, (which is free, but a donation is requested) and very much enjoyed seeing the restoration work, and also appreciated the information boards and leaflets which were freely available. Here are some photos.

Here is a sample of the information boards and literature that are available, some of which are presented as a teaching resource for teachers and children.

Finally, a short video combining two visits to the castle, one on a sunny day and the other on a stormy day. I hope you catch the atmosphere of the place! On both occasions the situation of the castle against the backdrop of the sea looked stunning! I would strongly recommend a visit.

Reflection: I find it fascinating visiting historical sites of interest, and have had the priviledge of doing that in many ‘far flung places’. Scotland of course has a plethora of such sites away and above one’s expectation for such a small nation. I like to think of the person(s) who first had a vision of building a ‘hall-house’ here at Portencross away back in the 1300’s AD. It’s good then to read of all the changes that have taken place down the centuries, both in the structure itself and the people who lived and worked in and around this castle. Did any of them ever imagine it would last all these centuries and undergo all these changes? Probably not!

And of course when we look back on our own lives, it is astounding to have witnessed the changes that have taken place in our world in the last century, things my own mother and father would never have dreamed of. The pace of change has brought so much blessing to humankind, and yet conversely, so much danger from new and deadlier weapons, pollution of air, land, rivers and seas, and loss of habitat for animals birds, fish and insects. It would seem mankind is now capable of destroying the very planet itself!

I am so thankful that God and His Word never change, and there we can find an anchor to our soul. I sometimes smile as I listen to our leaders in the fields of politics, science, philosophy and theology and …. telling us that the eternal God and His Word are a bit out of date, and suggest that perhaps God needs to ‘get up to speed’! Then I listen to our news bulletins and hear of disaster and carnage on a multitude of levels, and remember God’s word ‘the heart of man is deceitful above all else, who can know it’. That apparently does not change.

This morning I was reading a letter written away back in the first century AD by a man named Paul. Since he became a follower of Jesus Christ he had suffered it would seem one calamity after another,* and now he was in prison in Rome awaiting execution for proclaiming the good news of Jesus, ascerting there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ God’s Son. In his letter to his young protege he writes “That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.“** In an ever changing world, and our ever changing circumstances, it’s good to entrust ourselves to Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and as our friend, for of him it is written ‘Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever, and of course for all of us there is ‘that day‘!

*2 Corinthians 11:21-33, ** 2 Timothy 1:10-12

A famous hymn written around Paul’s words you can listen to here!

Please remember to subscribe.


After the Perfect Storm!

Invariably it takes time before the true damage and destruction that a storm has caused becomes obvious to us! With our 24 hour media coverage of news from around the world continually hitting our TV screens, yesterday’s, and the day before yesterday’s news, can quickly be forgotten.

At the end of November last year (26th-27th), ‘Storm Arwen’ swept across Scotland and parts of the UK with gusts reaching up to 100mph. It was headline news at the time, three people were reported killed, 9000 were left without power, roads were blocked and property damaged. However if you are like me you will probably have long forgotten all about it by now. However a few weeks ago we made our annual trip to the Trossachs for our drive around the ‘Three Lochs Forest Drive’ on the dirt road that passes loch Reoidhte, Drunkie and Achray, then that old news came alive again!

On approaching the gate to the forest drive, we were stopped by the park warden, who asked if we were regular visitors to the park, and when we replied in the affirmative, she went on to explain with some emotion, that areas of the forest had been devastated by Storm Arwen, so now we had been warned! Many of the fallen trees had since been removed, but nonetheless we were completely astounded by the extent of the damage!

Trunks of trees snapped like match-sticks.

It was a sad sight to behold, but thankfully many areas of the forest escaped unscathed, and were just as beautiful as ever.

The initial report suggested that up to 4,000 hectares of trees were destroyed, but that figure has now been doubled, which equates to about 16 million trees! It certainly changed the landscape, and the forests will take some time to rejuvenate themselves. I’ll leave you with one more photograph of one of our favourite picnic spots!

Our former favourite picnic spot!

Reflection: It has been said, that after disaster strikes there comes a time when we stop asking the ‘why’ question, and start asking the ‘what now’ question. And already it appears that foresters are thinking on how in the aftermath of the storm they can turn this situation around for the long term good of the landscape and wildlife. Tree diversity, dead trees left in place for insects and wildlife, fire gaps perhaps are some of the ideas. It takes time to work through these things, so the changes envisaged are unlikly to be seen in my lifetime, but they could in the end be for the better.

We are all aware of the many storms of a different kind that are sweeping across not just Scotland, but the world in these uncertain times. Ukraine, Tigray in Ethiopia being just representative of the many armed conflicts. Worldwide political storms, industrial storms, economic storms, energy storms, health service and the care sector storms ….. Watching TV and our news bulletins can be a very depressing exercise these days, and an increasing number of people are choosing not to bother, especially among the young, where TV is being abandoned and news is collected by means of social media.

One storm or crisis that the UK had to deal with recently was the sudden death of our much loved monarch and head of state Queen Elizabeth II. Yet it was a storm with a difference! There was much sadness expressed throughout the Kingdom, but so much love and respect was also shown by millions of citizens for this queen and her family, for she had reigned for 70 years! One housewife commented, ‘The Queen, she was lovely, everyone’s Granny’!’

One thing that came over loud and clear during the period of mourning and at the Church services was this woman’s Christian faith and devotion to God and her Saviour Jesus Christ, throughout her entire reign. Catherine Butcher’s book ‘Our Faithful Queen’ well illustrates this point. One episode in her life she records followed on from her 2011 Christmas address to the nations, when she said “Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love”. Just a few short months later this picture showed that she was one who ‘practiced what she preached‘! This handshake between the Queen and ex IRA Commander Martin McGuinness played an important part in calming the storm that was tearing apart communities in Northern Ireland, and helped in the Irish peace process.

The Queen meets Martin McGuinness

So who do you and I need to forgive? not just in words but in some tangible action? It is such a life changing thing to do, not only for others, but for our own peace of mind and wellbeing. In the prayer Jesus taught us, these words are so significant ‘forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us’. If you have ever come to Jesus and asked for forgiveness for your sins, remember His forgiveness and peace are only possible because of His action, when he the sinless Son of God shed his blood for you. If you haven’t yet come, I would encourage you to do so. Then the storm that troubles your mind can pass, and who knows what God will do in our lives in whatever time we have ahead!

Wishing you every blessing as we enter the Autumn Season


Colours Galore – Garden Joys and Surprises

Every Spring and early Summer I look forward with anticipation to see the outcome of all the things that have been planted in the garden and greenhouse. My earlier blog at the start of June showed photographs of Spring flowers and the early growth of vegetables in the greenhouse. So how did they all turn out? Well as always the results were mixed, but we keep persevering. Lately I have grown the large begonias, and they are lovely, but they unfortunately keep bowing their heads so they are hard to see and appreciate. Next year, all being well, I think I will give the dhalia’s a try. 🙂

Let’s start with summer flowers.

The fruit and vegetable side of the garden has proved quite productive, in spite of my earlier misgivings about my tomato plants. Four types of tomato were grown and they all produced a good crop. I also tried a new cucumber seed for smaller fruit and they were better than my expectation both in numbers and taste. Peppers were not so good as I had insufficient space in the greenhouse, so put them outside where they didn’t receive the care they deserved and were damaged by slugs and bugs! Those in the greenhouse did much better 🙂 We did get a bowl of gooseberries from two small bushes, which were stewed and sweetened and consumed with our morning cereal. Rhubarb was fertilised this year and gave us two crops for crumbles and pies.

Here are some of the results.

Other bushes and plants also brought some real colour and charm. This is the year of the hydrangeas I think, as they have been superb.

Look at me, dressed to impress!

Last year, this little Acer tree looked as if it was almost gone, but I decided to give it another chance and surprisingly it burst into life! It certainly needs repotted, but I am just awaiting the right time to do so! Everything and everybody needs another chance!

Finally, my willow tree at the bottom of the garden is not looking good this year. I saw the resident grey squirrel hanging upside down from one of its branches in early summer and I thought, is it chewing the tree bark? A neighbour commented that her apple tree was also looking poorly, so on checking on line I learned that squirrels eat the bark from trees and also use strips to build their dreys! So sure enough the bare patches on both tree barks seem like conclusive evidence! It’s the squirrel!

Reflection: Now we look forward to the Autumn colours, and the Spring flower planting, if all goes well. I’ll finish with the words of F E Pettingell 1899

Through the changing seasons, of the changing year, with its light and shadow with its hope and fear. Through each glad fulfilment, and each sad defeat, we have safely journeyed, and again we meet. Through this changing year, by His guiding providence we assemble here.

Well many of you I have not yet met in person, but thank you for reading / following my blog, and by God’s grace and mercy, and through your faith in Jesus Christ and commitment to Him, we shall meet one day!

Enjoy what remains of Summer – Matthew!

Thinking ‘Outside the Box’

Most of us are creatures of habit, so we go on from day to day and week to week going through the same routines, whether it be at home or in our place of work. Seldom do we stop to consider, is there a habit, a diet, a shopping practice, a workout routine, or something else that I need to change? Would a better way of doing things enable me to achieve my goals, assuming that we have set some! With soaring prices for energy and food and with recession coming on, it is perhaps a good time to ask that question!

In industry they might say we need a ‘paradigm shift in thinking’! During my former engineering days I remember being part of a committee looking in detail at machinery we manufactured and its function, to see if we could manufacture it more efficiently or replace it all together by changing the system for which it was designed. But any ideas we had pale into insignificance when compared to the countless examples of ‘people ‘thinking outside the box’ in the fields of science, healthcare, space exploration, art and engineering, and almosy every other field of expertise that you could mention!

One example of ‘thinking outside the box, unique to Scotland and indeed the world, is the ‘Falkirk Wheel’, which we recently visited with friends from the Argentine!

The Falkiirk Wheel that links the Forth and Clyde canal with the Union canal’ (which sits 35 Metres above) allows vessels to sail through the sky thanks to an amazing piece of engineering and art! The energy to turn the wheel is said to be the equivalent of that used to boil just eight kettles of water!

We visited in summer, so the wheel was busy as many boats were passing through the canal. It’s a great place for a day out as there are loads of things to do with shops, museum, restaurant and toilets etc. You can try Archery, Mini Golf, Boating for kids or even a Canal Boat Ride that will take you up to the Union canal and back! We also took the advice on the notice above, and visited the Kelpies to feed the horses!

Admission is free to the Falkirk Wheel site and also the Kelpies, but if you travel by car there is a parking charge of £4.00.

Reflections: Thinking ‘outside the box’ can be a challenging experience in every area of life, not just in the making of things! Puting your new thinking into practice can often be life changing, and have implications for relationships and careers, and change our goals and path through life. I have recently read Prof. Neil Thomas’ book, ‘Taking Leave of Darwin‘ – A Longtime Agnostic discovers the Case for Design. In his prologue he speaks of being struck by the thought, that if a group of tenured academics and other responsible scientists could no longer support the claims of Darwinism on which the worldview of much of the West rests, then he must investigate the subject for himself. His detailed investigation which he spells out in the book is fascinating, bringing him to a conclusion which the title of his book well summarises – ‘Taking leave of Darwin‘. It’s certainly worth a read, but how will Neil Thomas’ book go down with his fellow peers and academics?

Another well known writer and agnostic David Foster Wallace, somewhat ‘rocked the boat’ by his speech in the US to the graduating class of Kenyon College in 2005 when he said, ‘You get to choose what you worship. Because here’s something that’s weird but true: in the day to day trenches of adult life, there is no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god … to worship .. is that pretty much anything else you choose to worship will eat you alive.‘ He goes on then to speak of money, your body and beauty and sexual allure …power and intellect … ‘They are the kind of worship you just gradually slip into day after day … without ever being fully aware that that’s what you’re doing.’ (Emphasis added) His message was received with a loud round of applause. David Foster Wallace did not disclose who or what he worshipped, tho’ one might guess. And one must wonder if he had slipped into a worship he was warning others to avoid? Very sadly just three years later this talented young man committed suicide at the age of 46. It does raise the question, what god are you and I worshipping?

I think for many the day comes when we start wondering if life is passing us by, and we still have not found our true role, or meaning in life, or faced up to the fact of our mortality. Is it time for me to think outside the box? The story of Antartic Explorer – Ernest Shackleton’s advert for crew members perhaps illustrates the point.

MEN WANTED for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success. Ernest Shackleton

Five thousand men are reputed to have responded even although the terms were far from attractive, and the possibility of achieving the goals of the expedition were in doubt, with your life itself being in question. People desperate to find meaning in life?

Personally as most of my readers will know, I am a worshipper of the great Triune `God of the Bible – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You may think that sounds like something for the weak, the old and the unsophisticated, and YES you are right, for God calls everyone – rich and poor, educated and uneducated, young and old, healthy and sick, everyone to come and follow Him. The terms Jesus the Son of God laid down for His followers is set out in these words of his –  Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.  For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.  What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self? The early disciples were in their day accused of turning the world upside down. God still calls such men and women today! Every morning I read a Christian Mission magazine and am constantly amazed at what God is doing through ordinary people all around the world – amazing!

In a day when many people are looking for meaning and authenticity, Jesus offers the forgiveness of all our sins, relief from a guilty conscience, a new life in all its fulness, guidance and direction by his Spirit and through his Word. We can know an inner joy and peace, and a personal relationship with him, which will ultimately take us home to heaven – No ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’. How is that possible you may ask? Because the Son of God loved each of us, and gave himself for us. At the cross the great exchange took place, your sin placed on Christ, and if you come and confess that sin and give your life to Him, His righteousness becomes ours, so that exchange becomes a reality in a new life.

In the search for meaning and purpose we as Christians have found and believe that this is only possible when we find our rest in God.

Thinking of stepping ‘outside the box’?

Best wishes – Matthew


The Pass of Brander, St Conan’s Kirk and Kilchurn Castle

On my last blog I was writing about our day trip from Oban to the Isle of Staffa and our visit to Fingal’s Cave, but we extended our holiday by choosing on our third day to visit three very interesting stopping off places on our drive back to Glasgow.

The first stop, was at the Pass of Brander where in August 1308 Sir James Douglas and King Robert the Bruce led a successful attack on the MacDougalls, It has been said, this was the final battle of Bruce’s campaign in the North, during what is called ‘the ‘Wars of Independence’. The visit reminded me of my primary school days when ‘the Black Douglas’ and ‘King Robert the Bruce’ were our folk heroes as children. Many mock battles were enacted in the school playground with imaginary swords at our play times, after being told of their many exploits during our history lessons!

Stop two, was at Saint Conan’s Kirk, which is beautifully situated on the edge of Loch Awe, and here too there is an interesting history to consider. The Kirk is not far from the Brander battlefield referred to above. In fact inside you will find an effigy tomb of King Robert the Bruce, and one of his bones is also said to be buried here. The original Church was built in 1886 by Walter Douglas Campbell, who was one of nine children. He trained as an architect, and when his mother found the journey to the local parish church too tiring, he decided to build this church for her. By 1907 he started his Church extension to ambitious plans he had drawn up. Unfortunately he did not live to see its completion, but the Church was dedicated anew in 1930. You can read the full story on-line. Highly recommended for a visit if you are touring in the area.

Our last stop, was to visit Kilchurn Castle. A Castle we have photographed on many occasions, but never found the time to visit, but this time we did! The Castle was built in the mid 15th Century and became the home of the powerful Campbell Clan of Glen Orchy, who extended it and made it their stronghold for 150 years. It contains the oldest surviving barracks on the British mainland. Lots more info on line!

It was a rather cloudy day for our visit, but the surrounding hills and landscape, and its situation at the end of Loch Awe always gives this castle that special flavour of the dramatic! Our walk from the car park, which takes you under the railway bridge and on to the grazing land, also proved to be a bit dramatic as well! As we walked along we noticed there were some highland cattle grazing in the long grass, and to our surprise they seemed to take an interest in us, whilst others had been ignored! So it was slightly ‘off putting’ when first a large brown cow with large horns came straight towards us! I hurriedly pulled some grass and offered it as a peace gesture, but after a look and a sniff she turned away in disappointment. She was follwed by an even larger black cow, who also snubbed my peace gesture! Later we saw the farmer arriving with bags of cattle feed, so me thinks we were perhaps involved in ‘a case of mistaken identity’! 🙂

Soon after we made our way over the ‘Rest and be Thankful Pass’ and home via the the banks of Loch Lomond.

Reflection: It’s such a joy to get out of town for a few days and to enjoy the summer holidays, sunshine and fresh air. We are truly blessed here in the West of Scotland as so many places of quietness and beauty are within easy reach of the city. Our evening readings these days are in the Psalms, and thus one reflected our mood as we returned to Glasgow.

It is good to praise the LORD
and make music to your name, O Most High,
proclaiming your love in the morning
and your faithfulness at night,
to the music of the ten-stringed lyre
and the melody of the harp.
For you make me glad by your deeds, LORD;
I sing for joy at what your hands have done.
How great are your works, LORD,
how profound your thoughts!
Ps. 92:1-5

All in such contrast to the gloom and sadness of our news bulletins, so of course we do need to come down from our ‘mountain top experiences’ just as Jesus did, to face the challenges of every day life. There is much need all around us. Lord help us to play our part!

Here is the Fingal’s Cave video if you missed it!


Fingal’s Cave – Isle of Staffa

At last, a long held dream came true for us this year as we made the trip to Fingal’s Cave on the Isle of Staffa!

It had long been talked about, and indeed planned for last year, but everything had to be cancelled due to the Covid pandemic. This little island just half a mile long and quarter of a mile wide lies off the west coast of Scotland in the Inner Hebrides near to the Isle of Mull. It is famous for its hexagonal rock columns, dramatic caves and cliffs and also by the many nesting ‘Puffin’ seabirds who colonise the cliff edges with their nesting burrows. Many famous people have visited the island over the years including Queen Victoria, Sir Walter Scott, William Wordsworth and composer Felix Mendelssohn, who was inspired to produce his ‘Hebrides Overture’as a result of his visit. Another large cave next to ‘Fingals’ is called ‘Mackinnon’s Cave’ said to be named after ‘Abbot Mackinnon’ of Iona. Well, this past week the McKinnon’s were back! 🙂

Ours was a day trip from Oban, sailing at 12.30pm by the Calmac ferry to Craignure on the Isle of Mull (45 minutes), where we joined a ‘Turus Mara’ mini bus group for travel across Mull to ‘Ulva ferry’ (40 minutes) before boarding the ‘Turus Mara’ boat that took us to Staffa. (40 mins)

The weather was perfect, which was a real blessing, and the boat trip to Staffa we found to be beautiful and exhilarating!

The view approaching Staffa can only be described as dramatic as you catch your first view of the sheer cliffs and rock columns. The massive size of the caves come into perspective when you spot people walking along the cliff edged shoreline path. Going ashore is not for the faint-hearted as you are immediately faced with a ladder type climb if you are going to spot the puffins, or a 10 minute walk if you are going to visit the cave! This walk takes you on a narrow path with a steep drop at places on the seaward side, and just a single handrail to assist. I was glad my wife opted to stay on board the boat to enjoy the views from the sea.

It seems each visiting group is allowed appoximately one hour ashore, so it wasn’t possible in the time allotted to wander across the top of the island to view the puffins and then visit the cave, unless you were young, fit and sure footed. But I did manage onto the top to catch the vista, before walking to the cave. However my daughter Jennifer was on Staffa with her husband recently and she kindly gave me licence to show two of her puffin shots, plus that handrail! The time passed so quickly and soon it was time to go!

Reflections: On our regular day trips around Scotland I always ask my wife ‘Where would you like to go today’? Invariably she says, ‘Oh please yourself, but somewhere near the sea’! Reminds me of the John Masefield poem we memorised as kids in primary school.

‘I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;”

Another great sea poem I love is found in Psalm 107:

Some went out on the sea in ships; they were merchants on the mighty waters. They saw the works of the LORD, his wonderful deeds in the deep. For he spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves. They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths; in their peril their courage melted away. They reeled and staggered like drunkards; they were at their wits’ end. Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper;the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.

That one reminds us of the story in the Gospels of Jesus the Son of God calming the storm! Mark 4:35-41 So whatever circumstance we find ourselves in today, it’s good to ‘put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water, put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea’, as Elvis Presley used to sing.

I wish you calm sailings, but before things get rough, remember there is a hand held out to save! Matthew 11:28-30


The Burrell Collection & Pollok Park – Glasgow – Scotland

The Burrell Collection Museum reopened in Glasgow on the 29 March 2022, having been closed for refurbishment since 23 October 2016. Admission is free and there is a very nice cafe and retaurant along two sides of the building, and also other ‘cafe’ like facilities for teas and coffees. The refubishment cost, is said to be around a cool £68,250,000.00, almost half of which was pledged by Glasgow City Council. So after waiting for the crowds to die down we decided to make our first visit at the end of May, and it proved to be a very interesting afternoon.

The Museum’s architecture, design and its location within the park I find very pleasing to the eye. This sense of beauty and design continues inside, and I particularly enjoy the gallery that runs full-length alongside the woodland at the rear of the building. The changing woodland scenery which is viewed through the glass windows that reach from roof to floor level, combine God’s artistry with that gifted to man.

The refurbishment has brought many changes, with new areas being opened up to the public, and even items in storage, some of which circulate in the viewing galleries, can be viewed if you book an appointment. Some of the new displays are spectacularly combined with the use of modern technology. These photographs show but a few of the thousands of items on display, and the history of this amazing collection can easily be researched on line. It will take a few visits to truly appreciate the wide range and variety of art on display.

Pollok Park is also home to Pollok House a National Trust for Scotland property, once the home of Sir John Stirling Maxwell and family. The house and garden are just a short walk from the ‘Burrell’, so if you are planning a day in Glasgow this park has everything you could wish for in terms of interest both indoors and out!

Pollok House and surroundings

Reflections: The field on which the Burrel museum was built has been a playground for me with my siblings (see below), and also for my children and grandchildren and great grand children throughout life. The ‘Children and Youth’ departments of our church have also used it for countless numbers of games of ‘football’ and ’rounders’ on many summer nights. The children’s smiling faces, shouts and hoots of laughter you will still hear if you close your eyes for a minute! 🙂 The Burrell Collection now attracts a much more diverse and perhaps ‘upmarket’ group of visitors, but it’s good the local young folks and families still have a place to picnic and play! In fact Glaswegians are spoiled for choice when it comes to deciding which park to visit.

One thing I notice as I visit parks and gardens, is the number of folks often sitting on their own, seemingly just reflecting on life and its events. My own garden, and especially my seat in the greenhouse 🙂 I really enjoy for the quietness it provides. which gives opportunity for prayer and reflection in this noisy and increasingly chaotic world. As I write this I was reminded of the Elvis Presley and Jim Reeves song made known world-wide many years ago, (You can still hear them sing it on ‘You Tube’) but here it is sung by Michele Lane, who for me, sings it so beautifully.

I enjoyed listening to it again so hope you enjoy it too!

Pollok House Gardens

Have a great summer wherever you are


Catch the Joy of Summer!

Yes, here in Glasgow situated in the world’s northern hemisphere the daylight hours are extending, and today we enjoyed sunshine from its 4.40am rising until its 9.50 pm setting! What a special gift is that! The garden is slowly coming into bloom and everything is looking beautiful!

The garden tonight at 8.30pm

It is amazing to watch the budding trees and Spring flowers give way to Summer bloom, and to see and hear the excitement of the birds as the they prepare their nests and get ready for the new chicks to arrive. We have blackbirds nesting in our hedge every year and their song in the evening is enough to cheer the saddest heart.


Early Summer

The greenhouse is now catching up, with tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and courgettes all coming on, and with three bags of potatoes planted and a bucket full of carrots. My two hanging baskets are now out, but the flowers for them were bought from the nursery. My tomatoes are causing me some concern as they look a bit ‘spindly’ but hopefully they will come on ok.

The greenhouse

Talking about potatoes, tonight we enjoyed some fresh buttered Ayrshire potatoes with beans, coleslaw and ‘corned beef’ for dinner. It reminded me of my mother’s love for Ayrshire potatoes when I was a small boy, and that wasn’t yesterday! 🙂

Tatties and corned beef!

And of course, this summer in the UK and Commonwealth we are celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s 70th Jubilee, and events are being held all over the country. This week at our church we had a service and afternoon tea for senior citizens and it was a special and joyous occasion. Most of the folks there remembered her coronation all these years ago! We recalled her faithfulness and servant heart through all the ups and downs of life, and remembered her faith in God, which in her own words has sustained her, and enabled her to fulfil the vows given at her coronation! Across the political divide I think it is true to say that the vast majority of citizens in the UK are delighted to honour this lady for her commitment, grace and loyalty sometimes amid adversity.

Wherever you are, and in whatever season I hope you are well. Here is a new song we are singing in church these days, it is beautifully sung and the words I find encouraging and inspiring too, for all of life’s circumstances.


The Isle of Tiree – positioned on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean!

Leaving a tranquil Tiree

A late night phone call, Some adjustments to our diary, and 36 hours later we were on our way to visit friends on the most westerly island in the Scottish Inner Hebrides – TIREE! What a surprise, as we had been forced to cancel a planned holiday there a year or so ago due to the pandemic, but now we were on our way, the weather forecast was excellent and we were excited at the prospect!

The Caledonian MacBrayne ferry to the island leaves from Oban, which is a 2.5 – 3 hours drive from Glasgow, depending on the traffic. It is a lovely drive, and if you are planning a visit, allow yourselves more time for stops along the way.

Oban – Gateway to the Isles

The four hour ferry trip takes you through the sound between the Isle of Mull and Ardnamurchan on the Scottish mainland, and then into the Passage of Tiree. It is quite spectacular at any time, but particularly on a beautiful sunny day!

The sun was getting low in the sky as we made the last leg of our ferry journey to Tiree, and we were blessed to see some dolphins jumping alongside the ship as we travelled.

Tiree’s history is easily researched on line, but this fertile island is a joy to visit, and in the Springtime the lambs and calves are in the fields, flowers are starting to bloom and the birds are singing. The beaches are amongst the best to behold anywhere in the world, and they attract worldclass surfers, and also runners for special competitions and events, and many tourists! My great great grandfather John McKinnon was a boat builder in Balemartine, so this was amongst the places we first visited.

Too many photos to show, but here are some showing the variety and beauty of Tiree’ >

Time passes too quickly when you are enjoying yourself, but we did manage a few last day activities, including a boat trip which you can see below. An evening walk on the beach at Balevullin, some star gazing, before getting to bed. Then an early rise to catch the ferry back to Oban. Farewell then to the quietness and serenity of Tiree.

Reflection: Living close to a motorway here in Glasgow, it was a pleasure to change the noise and bustle of the city for the peace and tranquility of Tiree. The sound of the sea, and of the birds and the joy of walking in a quiet and isolated beach was good for the soul. We never switched the television on once during our stay, and surprisingly the world seemed to carry on in it’s seemingly chaotic way without my daily watching of the news programmes. 🙂

I enjoyed popping into the Parish Church at Heylipol, its a beautiful building, and I thought of the countless number of people who have worshipped there down the centuries. It was also interesting to see that the texts above the pulpit are exactly the same as the texts we have above our pulpit in Glasgow – ‘God is Light‘ and ‘God is Love’. I wondered if some of the clansmen brought that idea to Glasgow during the migrations in the mid 19th century? Probably not, but the verses speak so powerfully of the God being worshipped. The God from whom nothing is hid, but a God who loves a broken humanity enough, to send us His Son as Saviour and Redeemer.

Oh, and here’s that boat trip, quite an excitment for a ‘land-lubber’ 🙂

If you like the blog you can subscribe to receive notifications of updates. Thanks if you have read thus far! Yes TIREE is definitely worth a visit!

God bless, Matthew

Heading North!

We had been enjoying some lovely Sprng weather, and with a birthday coming up, we decided to take a short break, and at the same time make a visit to some family and friends in the North! The weather in Scotland however is very changeable, so it was not too surprising to read just before we left home that the weather forecasters had issued a yellow ‘snow and ice’ warning for the area we were visiting! However on the morning we set out from Glasgow the weather was still holding, so we made the most of our first day with a good number of stops on our 200 mile journey to Inverness.

There is a lovely stopping off point immediately past the Inverglas / Loch Sloy power Station, which has been operational since the late 1940’s, so we stopped there for morning coffee.

It’s a lovely drive going towards Glen Coe, and being early in the year the road was relatively quiet.

Buachaille Etive Mor seems to stand guard at the entrance to the glen and attracts those with differing climbing skills. Just choose the correct route! It’s always a treat to visit Glen Coe and recall our adventures there in the past, climbing Buachaille Etive Mor, walking the famous ‘Aonach Eagach’ ridge and exploring the village. The last stop on route was at the Commando Monument at Spean Bridge, before reaching our destination in Inverness.

After a cold blustery day, the weather had cleared again, and we decided to make a first and long overdue visit to Urquhart Castle. It was a cold and sunny day, and when we arrived the place was relatively quiet. We so enjoyed our visit there, walking in the grounds and exploring the visitors centre, the museum, and of course the cafe. They were also showing a film in the cinema. The only thing we didn’t see was ‘the Loch Ness monster‘ but maybe it was too cold for it to be out! 🙂 A visit here is highly recommended if you are in the area.

We did get to meet our friends and family as we headed east along the Moray coast, but that’s another story, which I’ll keep perhaps for next time!

Loch Ness and the ruins of Urquhart Castle

Reflection: Urquhart Castle has a history going back to the mid 13th century, and was last inhabited by the ‘Grant Clan’ until around the mid 17th century. It has a long and noble history, and was fought over by clans and opposing armies before and during the wars of independence. The current ruin is but a shadow of the proud buildings and battlements that once stood here.

I guess many folks over the centuries have sought refuge in this once impressive castle, but alas the stronghold was eventually destroyed and it was interesting to see the type of machine used at that time to smash down the walls! A massive sling that hurled huge cannon balls over a distance of hundreds of yards. It reminded me how as a child my family, after hearing the wail of the sirens, sought refuge, not in a castle, but in an air raid shelter behind our block of flats in Glasgow. We were escaping the bombs falling from the sky during WWII ! Today in Ukraine there are reports of thousands of people fleeing to a theatre, and to a steel plant, and many tunnels to escape the horrors of war.

Well we are not in a war situation for now, but it got me thinking about where or to whom, do you and I run when things go horribly wrong, as they do for us all at times? Where do I hide in a relationship crisis, a grief crisis, an unemployment crisis, a health crisis, a pandemic, or the energy crisis, ….. and when it justs seems difficult to get out of bed in the morning’?

For me, I find my hope and shelter in the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Solomon, reputedly the wisest man ever to have lived, apart from Christ Himself, said ‘The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.‘ Do you remember the hymn we once sang in Church?

Beneath the cross of Jesus, I fain would take my stand, the shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land; a home within a wilderness, a rest upon the way, from the burning of the nootide heat, and the burden of the day’. We sang a version of that in Church recently as we approached the Easter Weekend.

Greetings and best wishes from Glasgow, Scotland.

Home and Away!

This week we have been enjoying the beautiful Spring weather, with an outing to Glendaruel, and some days in the garden!


There was a cloudless blue sky, as we set off last Saturday on a day trip, but not knowing exactly where we were heading. A bit like a mystery tour really! Direction and destination were chosen as we drove along, Clyde Coast or the Lochs?, the beach or the hills? but in some ways our destination was dictated by the time available before dark, and traffic conditions. On reaching Loch Lomond-side we heard there was an accident ahead, so we turned left to Arrochar and the ‘Rest and be Thankful Pass’. Roadworks and congestion there, so now a left turn down ‘Hells Glen’, and at last the road was almost empty. Then on to Strachur, right for Colintraive until we came to the little village of Glendaruel.

You have to watch out for the sign as the village is now just off the main road. There are very few houses in the village, but there is an hotel, and a beautiful little church and churchyard on the banks of the river. And much to our suprise there is a canal longboat to be seen sitting on the hotel grounds.

Kilmodan Church in its present setting has a history going back to around 1610, but a church in the area is recorded as early as 1250-1299. The latest Church building was restored in 1983.

The ‘Ratho Princess’ looked a bit like a minature ‘Noah’s Ark’ miles from the sea, but it added more interest to our walk around the village. We also recalled memories of our first visit to Glendaruel, it was a Sunday School teachers outing on Easter Monday 1956! When we arrived back home from our day trip on Saturday, we found the photos to confirm that! From the above photos you will see that the lady hasn’t changed a bit!! It was a great day out, and we travelled home via the Dunoon / Gourock ferry, arriving just before dark. Well worth a visit.


The garden is looking well as everything bursts into life now that we are into Spring. So this week the grass was given its first cut and the edges strimmed, which helped to highlight the beauty of the flowers that have already appeared. Here are some of the flowers that I photographed as I looked around. Can you name them?

The greenhouse is well behind schedule this year due to a number of factors, but the plan is to get the seeds sown within the next couple of weeks, so watch this space as they say!


When I wakened the other morning to another cloudless blue sky and the birds singing in our hedge, the words of this song which we once sang at school and church came back to mind.

For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies; Father unto You we raise this our sacrifice of praise. For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, hill and vale and tree and flower, sun and moon and stars of light; Father, unto YOU we raise this our sacrifice of praise

The news these days is grim on many fronts, but may your soul find rest in God alone! Psalm 62.5-8

May you enjoy the Springtime as you have opportunity!


Let’s go down to Egypt!

The Hand on the tiller!

Egypt the land on the Nile with it’s most ancient recorded history, goes back for six millennium. In the world at large it is commonly known as the land of the Pyramids, the Sphinx and the Pharaohs, and who has not heard of the famous boy King Tutankhamen! It’s also the land of Temples and Museums with ancient artefacts, the land of desert (96% of Egypt), and borders the beautiful Red Sea, the Suez Canal, and the amazing Aswan High Dam, and so we could go on ….. !

Geographically the land devides into two main areas, The Northern Nile Delta and Southern Upper Egypt which follows the Nile from ancient Memphis all the way to the Aswan High dam and beyond!

During my working life we once had a flight stopover in Cairo, and took the opportunity to have a brief tour of the city and also a visit to the Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza, which could only be described as spectacular! After retirement we followed a documentary series on TV about ancient Egypt, which inspired us to make another visit to this ancient nation. So in the month of March we joined a Christian Tour Group for a visit to Upper Egypt, by following the Nile from Luxor to Aswan.

Recently in my reading and conversation the subject of Egypt was brought again to the ‘fore of my thinking, so it was back to the archives for all these notes and photographs! Of necessity the decription of the journey will be brief, but every picture tells a story, so I’m sure you will catch the wonder of it.

After leaving Luxor in our ‘river boat’ we passed through the locks at Esna, and made our first stop at Edfu to visit the Temple to the god Horus. It was built sometime between 237 and 57 BC and is one of the best preserved temples in Egypt. The ‘Hawks of Horus’ guard the gate, and the walls are covered with various reliefs depicting religious and mythological events.

Sailing on the Nile is a very relaxing way to spend a holiday, especially with good company and conversation, and with some excellent guides. We certainly caught a glimpse into Egypt’s ancient past as we explored some extraordinary sites all along the river bank.

Soon we moved on to Aswan where we enjoyed a trip to the market, a sail on a felucca, plus a visit to the dam and botanic garden, whilst staying in the Pyramisa Isis Island Hotel.

On the return journey to Luxor by coach we caught some great views of the Nile from a shore persective and of rural life, before visiting the famous temple of Luxor, (1400 BC) which is not dedicated to any god, but was perhaps the place many of the Pharoahs were crowned. Also Karnak, which goes back even further in time to 2000-1700 BC, during which period it has been estimated that approximateely 30 Pharaohs contriubuted to its building.

On our penultimate day we were at ‘the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Queen Hatchepsut, the Colossi of Memnon and an Alabaster workshop.

A day to relax by the Nile before going home!

Reflection: Much has been written about ancient Egypt and its thirty one Dynasties spanning four millenium BC, and its millenia since, so a one week tour is barely scratching the surface. However as you look back you can see that Egypt in many ways typifies the rise and fall of empires and nations, sometimes for good and at other times for bad. Even in our own lifetime, we have witnessed the demise of the once mighty British Empire, the end of colonialism, the collapse of the mighty USSR, the destruction of the Third Reich and its vision of a thousand year reign, and Japanese Imperialism, to mention but a few. Now there are new kids on the block, all with visions of power and greatness, and many vying to be the new ‘top dog’. Recently Ken McCallum of MI5 is reported to have said that the UK is in a struggle to protect its way of life, as China and Russia are waging an all-encompassing contest for international supremacy! And while I write this, Russia is in the process of invading Ukraine. So the world’s power shifts between nations continues unabated, but it seems the heart of man is singularly unchanged, as they vie for position of ultimate power and authority, internationally, nationally and often we have seen it in our own working lives and in our hearts.

Our Christian Group were very much interested to learn where and when the Bible characters of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph fitted into all this history, and also to reflect on the fact that Jesus and his parents were in the early years of Jesus’ life refugees in this land. Matthew in his Gospel recalls the words of Hosea the phophet who approximately 750 years before Jesus’ birth said, ‘Out of Egypt I called my son.‘ Another fascinating study is to compare the similarities between the life of Joseph and his stay in Egypt as recorded in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and the life of Jesus, God’s beloved son.

Abraham came to Egypt because of famine early in the 2nd millennium and during Egypt’s 12th dynasty. (See Genisis 12) It was to this Abraham that God made a promise of land and nationhood, and that through his seed all nations of the earth would be blessed. These promises of God we see fulfilled in our world today. Jesus of the seed of Abraham, came to our world to the sound of angels singing ‘Peace on earth, goodwill towards men‘, and died to the shouts of the mob ringing in His ears WE WILL NOT HAVE THIS MAN TO REIGN OVER US’! So there we go again.

God had different ideas, He raised Him from the dead, exalted Him to His right hand and appointed Him to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus is in fact the God-man with His hand on the tiller. And the Bible says that there is a day of judgment coming, and guess what? the judge has already been appointed – “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.” Acts 17.30,31

It seems good to me to make peace with God now a priority while the offer is still on the table. That peace I’ve found through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5.1. It’s a peace open to all who come in repentence and faith.

I hope you enjoyed the trip and are prepared for that final one we all must take!

God bless – Matthew

You never know what’s around the corner!

Ever go for a walk in the countryside or in a new area, and say to yourself ‘I’ll just go a wee bit further and see what’s around the next corner’?  I’m sure we all have at times, and often it leads to the next corner and the next corner!

That of course is not so easy in our walk through life, and on reflection I am so glad that God has kept that hidden from us, for it means life’s pleasant surprises would lose something of their ‘wow’ and ‘joy’ factor, and conversely, we are prevented from worrying about those difficult chapters in life before their time, with which we all have to deal with at some point in life.

It was common at church when I was young for the leader of the service to say D.V. (‘Deo Volente’ – Latin, meaning God willing) after making the announcements for the following week, simply because none of us can be sure what a day holds, never mind another week, and of course Christians are looking for the return of Jesus Christ just as He promised, and ‘at such an hour as you think not’!

On 25 January every year here in Scotland we celebrate the poetic works of Robert Burns our National Bard, you’ll be familiar with his work – The song ‘Old Lang Syne’ and the poem ‘To a Mouse’ being amongst his most popular works. The latter of these two contains the line ‘‘The best laid schemes o’ mice and men gang aft aglee!’! How true! And the unexpected did happen for us just at the end of December last year. My wife tripped on the stairs with two hands full of shopping and fell, breaking her humerus bone on her right arm. That certainly was unexpected and put all our New Year plans on hold, and sent ‘yours truly’ into the kitchen to become chief cook and bottle washer!

We did however manage our own form of a ‘Burns Supper’ with the traditional meal of ‘tatties, neeps and haggis’ (potatoes, turnip and haggis) at home. Not quite cooked as we would normally but as a ready made meal from ‘Sainsbury’s Supermarket’. Family and friends have rallied round and we have been blessed by the kindness of so many since the accident.

The Sainsbury’s Burn’s Supper with a few additions

Life at home in January 2022 😦

We have also managed a few short drives in the car, which has been great, and also a few wee walks on the beach or at the local park.

The new man in the kitchen has managed to introduce the growing of our own herbs (especially for the stir fry) and potted up some Spring flowers for his ‘better half’, as a surprise to bring a smile and some cheer. I’m glad to say she is slowly recovering. The greenhouse will just need to wait for a while this year, and all being well I can get started at the end of February.

REFLECTION:I As I consider this topic I find the words of this Christian song by Ira F Stanphil a great help:

I don’t know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day. I don’t borrow from its sunshine, for its skies may turn to gray. I don’t worry o’er the future, for I know what Jesus said, and today I’ll walk beside Him, for He knows what is ahead. Refrain: – Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand; but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand.

Once again we have been impressed with the service received from our National Health Service for which we are most grateful. Especially for the team of doctors and nurses and their care, compassion and competence. Visiting hospital always shows you that there are countless numbers of people worse off than yourself.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Matthew

My photographic Review of 2021

Another year of travel restrictions due to Covid has resulted in us spending almost all of the year at home, so most of the photographs this year have been taken locally or on ‘day trips’ from Glasgow. However as we look back on 2021 it’s amazing to remember all the interesting places we visited, some for the very first time, and the joy and peace we had in doing that. So here’s a picture or two per month!













Reflection: This year started with some optimism as vaccines were being rolled out, and the slogan ‘we will beat this together’ sounded more plausible, but then along came the variants!

Thankfully the latest Omicron variant is reported to be less severe than those that have gone before, so we pray that this downward trend will continue in 2022. A visit to Glasgow city centre just before Christmas told its own story. Gone was the sound of laughter and the bustling Christmas market in George Square. No ‘big wheel’, ‘flying chairs’, ‘helter skelter’or ice rink, fun and joviality had given way to just a few families with kids who had come to see the lights and the nativity scene, plus some folks handing out food and drink to the poor and homeless.

But hold on a minute, is ‘families with kids who had come to see the lights and the nativity scene, plus some folks handing out food and drink to the poor and homeless‘ more in keeping with the Christmas story, than a ‘lets eat and drink and be merry‘ lifestyle, especially in the current circumstances? The British Prime Minister caused outrage recently when it was disclosed that last winter some government departments were partying while people were self isolating and others mourning the loss of family and friends to Covid 19.

This Christmas I was caused to stop and think again about the reason for Christmas, which this new carol, so beautfully sung, challenges us to do. Take a minute to listen!

I hope you enjoy the photographs, and like me are challenged by the new carol.

Hope to see you again in the New Year. Every blessing to you and yours.


“The Queer Folk O’ the Shaws”

Pollokshaws Townhouse (1803) and the Memorial to James McIndoe the poet

Pollokshaws is a district on the southside of Glasgow (A Burgh in its own right until 1912) and was our home for 23 years, and is still the lifelong home of our church in Leckie Street. This blog will recall past and recent memories of life here, and the huge changes that have taken place throughout my lifetime. There is a poem on a plaque in the old part of the ‘Shaws, which always brings a smile to my face, but please don’t take the words too seriously! 🙂 The poem on the plaque reads:

The ‘Queer folk’ O’ the Shaws – “Wha’ ne’er untae the Shaws has been – Has surely missed a treat – For wonders there are to be seen – Which nothing else can beat. – The folks are green, it’s aft been said, – Of that you’ll find no trace; – There’s seasoned wood in every head – And brass in every face. – Look smart and keep your eyes about – Their tricks will make you grin; – The Barrhead bus will take you out -The folks will take you in. Thank you James McIndoe, that poem still makes me laugh!

Pollokshaws has a history going back to the 17th century, but ‘The ‘Queer Folk’ was the name first given to some Flemish weavers brought to the Shaws by the Maxwell family in the 1800’s, and over time became a ‘byeword’ for all those living in the area. (‘Queer’ in the poem had the meaning of ‘strange’ or ‘odd’) McIndoe the poet, it has been said liked making fun of folks, and it says something of Pollokshaws people that they chose to remember him by this ‘cheeky’ poem in the ‘town square’. Being able to ‘laugh at ourselves’ is surely a special virtue.

The changes that have taken place in the Pollokshaws landscape in my lifetime have been quite phenomenal! In the 40’s and 50’s it still had that close community, working class, yet small town / village atmosphere. It has to be said however, that the housing was basic, and in some parts quite deplorable and rightly described as a slum. But development was coming! (See on-line – ‘Pollokshaws – Wikipedia’ for some amazing resources)

In the 60’s Pollokshaws was designated as a redevelopment area, and in due time we were given the sum of £1.00 in exchange for our two apartment flat in Harriet Street, plus the keys to a brand new flat in the Shawholm Cresent tower block, with a rent payable to Glasgow Housing Department. Wow, were we pleased? YES we were! The up and downstairs apartment had underfloor central heating, two bedrooms, bathroom, a lounge with a verandah, a fitted kitchen, and our own lock-up garage. Pollok Park was just across the road, the neighbours were great, together we polished the communal corridor and as the proverbial saying goes ‘you could have eaten your dinner off the floor’ it was so clean.

We had many happy days at Shawholm Crescent, but life moves on, and as the family grew we too moved on. But now we look back and wonder why all those hopes and dreams that the new revitalised Pollokshaws brought, would within our lifetime come to ruin and decay? The many factories and businesses in the area also closed over that period of time.

But another revitalised Pollokshaws is arising from the ashes, so time will tell if it is more successful than the last redevelopment effort. I am surprised however that expensive new houses are being built, whilst it seems little effort is going into preserving and maintaining landmark buildings, monuments and the once attractive river bank.

Our Church at Greenview.

Greenview Church, was established by some men in the Shaws away back in 1873, as they were keen to introduce to people a simple form of Christian worship. They met to pray, study the Bible, have fellowship with one another as believers and hold communion. They were also keen to share the good news about Jesus with their fellow citizens in Pollokshaws. First they met in a rented hall off the Main Street, then built a wooden hall in Wodrow Street, (Wodrow Street ran from Cogan Street past what is now Pollokshaws Parish Church – The tree now standing in the ground near the Parish Church was in the grounds of the Hall) before moving to Greenbank Street and finally to Leckie Street, where they have been since 1933. The building there has been changed and extended on umpteen occasions.

The Church from its beginnings had a strong missionary interest, and Norman MacRae one of the founding fathers, went out in 1876 to Narsapur in the Godaveri Delta, India. Up until today a long line of men and women from Greenview Church have followed Jesus’ command to ‘go into all the world to preach the gospel’ both by word and deed. I remember as a youngster the Pollokshaws Burgh Hall being packed to the door for ‘Farewell Meetings’ followed by trips to the Central Station where we waved off our friends as they made their way to Tilbury Dock in London, before sailing to Africa and South America. Many country names come to mind – Northern Rhodesia, Argentina, Brazil, East Pakistan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania and other nations in the Middle East. Alex Simpson of Pollokshaws died in Brazil, and an orphanage there is called after him. Men and women with a wide variety of skills from the Shaws have left our shores and used their gifts and skills to help folks around the world, and to build, plant and support the Church.

No space here to expand on all the activities of the Church over the years – suffice to say they have been exhaustive. Not including the main Sunday morning and evening services, there has been Bible studies and weekly prayer meetings, Summer ‘Tent’ Campaigns, Choirs singing at Churches around Scotland’s Central belt, Christian conferences, Sunday Schools (Pollokshaws and Thornliebank) with summer trips and children’s prizegivings, Childrens meetings galore, Christian Youth Centre during and after the war, with 2 week summer camps around Scotland and winter craft making and games nights, Youth Bible Classes and special weekends away, Womens tea meetings, Sewing classes, mens meetings, a football team, white water rafting, golf outings, and much more. Some Greenview pics from the ancient past, and from more recent times follow.

During the pandemic the church services were on-line with the help of Zoom, but that gave the opportuniy to upgrade the church building and its fittings. Now services are back in church, and whilst we practice social distancing and wear masks, it’s great having the live band for our singing, and to see friends old and new in person.

Life has changed dramatically in Pollokshaws in my lifetime, and our church too has had to deal with many changes. But thankfully God does not change and the good news of Jesus does not change. In fact the Bible says of Jesus, that He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. An anchor to our souls in our increasingly chaotic world. Our community cafe has started again on Wednesday and Friday mornings, and many have already come to enjoy the friendly welcome and excellent food and coffee. Tot’s and Co. on Tuesday and Thursday mornings are seeing lots of local mums making friends and finding support there, and our ‘Christians Against Poverty’ Centre is up and running, helping folks escape the debt trap. We also have a programme in partnership with ‘Hope for Glasgow’ that deals with those who have destroying addictions. Sunday School runs in parallel with our morning service at 11am, and there is a thriving Youth Group.

If you are coming to Glasgow we would love to see you, and of course if you stay in Pollokshaws there is always a welcome awaiting you!

We look forward to following the ongoing development of Pollokshaws and its Churches, so with this picture of the Burgh Hall, I wish all my fellow bloggers and my Pollokshaws friends at home and abroad a ‘Happy Christmas and God’s blessing in the New Year!’

Pollokshaws Burgh Hall


The Trossachs and Argyleshire – and the sound of Silence!

The ‘Trossachs nature reserve’ in Scotland is an area east of Loch Lomond, famous for it’s lochs, rugged hills, forests and glens, and is sometimes referred to as ‘Scotland in Minature.’ It lies within the ‘Queen Elizabeth National Park’ and is a 30 mile, one hour drive from Glasgow. We normally like to visit in August when the heather is in full bloom, but this year it was an October’s day-trip. Aberfoyle is a little town within the Trossachs where there is a ‘Scottish Woollen Mill’ shop, and we often stop there to view their wide range of clothing and enjoy a coffee. Within a mile of Aberfoyle is the ‘James Marshall Lodge’ sitting on the hill at the entrance to the ‘Duke’s Pass’, and this offers magnificent views, easy and challenging walks, and there is a ‘Go Ape’ high wire adventure to be tackled if you are fit!

Half-way across The Duke’s Pass you can access a ‘Forest Drive’ by paying a few pounds, and moving onto a dirt road, which winds its way through the forest. It passes three lochs on the route – Loch Reoidhte, Drunkie and Achray.

Our favourite part of the drive is the approach to Loch Achray. Passing the old homestead, you can view Ben A’an across the loch, only 451 m high but a spectacular little hill to climb with a rugged top and a splendid view down Loch Katrine. Then on the near side of the loch you have a view of Ben Venue at 729 m, another easy but magnificient climb.

And just before the month of October ran out, we enjoyed a couple of nights break at the Park Hotel in Dunoon, Argyleshire. We left Glasgow in the rain, headed for Loch Lomond and reached Arrochar at the top of Loch Long just before lunch time. Then over the ‘Rest and be Thankful’ pass where we turned down ‘Hells Glen’ before following the road to Strachur. From there it’s an easy trip down to Dunoon on the banks of the Firth of Clyde, but we chose to divert through Ardentinny also on Loch Long, then around the Holy Loch and on to Dunoon just as the rain decided to stop!

Dunoon was once a favourite holiday destination for Scottish holiday makers prior to the arrival of ‘the package holiday’. But it is still a beautiful place with lots to see and do.

The following day we made a visit to Glen Masson for the first time, and also a trip back to Benmore Botanical gardens to see them in their autumn colours.

Benmore Botanical Gardens

The drive back to Glasgow was via Tighnabruaich, Portavadie, Otter `Ferry, Strachur, Loch Lomond and Glasgow. That is quite a drive.

Reflection -The beauty of silence!

The photographs displayed show something of the wonder of our planet, and were mostly taken in the beauty of silence. Sometimes it’s so hard just to find a quiet spot to sit quietly and meditate, in this very noisy world. As COP26 proceeds in Glasgow with thousands gathered to address the climate change crisis, there have been many speeches, proposals and demonstrations and lots of noise. Since we have evidently messed up, perhaps we should also confess and seek the help of the Creator don’t you think? Two thoughts come to mind, the words of the prophet Habakkuk, and the beautiful words of John Greenleaf Whittier’s hymn (1807 – 1892).

“The Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before Him.”
– Habakkuk 2:20

Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
forgive our foolish ways:
reclothe us in our rightful mind;
in purer lives your service find,
in deeper reverence praise,

With that deep hush subduing all
our words and works, that drown
the tender whisper of your call,
as noiseless let your blessing fall
as fell your manna down,

Drop your still dews of quietness,
till all our strivings cease;
take from our souls the strain and stress,
and let our ordered lives confess
the beauty of your peace,

Video – Loch Fyne – The sound of silence

The video above has been posted in full volume and lasts for just 10 seconds, but I stood there for quite a time taking in the wonders of God and His creation. Enjoy the silence and take time to call upon God.


Autumn’s coming on!

The electric blanket is on the bed, the central heating has been turned on for a few times in the evenings recently, and there is condensation on the car windows early in the mornings, so we can expect to be scraping the ice from the windscreens anytime soon! Yes Autumn is here, and the greenhouse has now been emptied of its plants, the leaves are changing colour in the garden, the apples are starting to fall and the picnic season is almost over for another year.

Saturday was a damp drizzily day, so we headed for Glasgow’s Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery, which is always worth a visit, but with far too many exhibits to see in one day. All Glasgow museums are ‘free of charge’ although in fact we contribute to their upkeep through local council tax.

There is a huge variety of things to see and no matter your taste, you are sure to find something to catch your interest.

The galleries themselves are a work of art and provide the perfect backdrop for the paintings and sculptors. I think how amazing it must be to have the gift and talent to create things of beauty, just starting from scratch! Here are just a few of the paintings I admire.

So now it’s time to get the daffodils and tulips potted up for Spring 2022 , and hopefully I can get started to that this week. When we arrived home from Kelvinside the rain had stopped so there was time for a quick look around the garden to see the flowers and plants still showing colour. Here are some pics.


Thinking about art and gardens, don’t you think Autumn wonderfully displays the artistic hand of our great creator God? There are also a number of songs and poems written about “Autumn coming on” which highlight how swiftly life passes. I remember ‘the Gaithers’, singing this one which is rather sentimental and filled with pathos, but none the less captures the moment, especially as in life we face trials and sorrows.

Through changing seasons, We’ve shared life’s little days, It seems unreal, Our souvenirs still look so new! We reminisce, And must confess that this is true, We sang lullabies to babies cries, In the springtime, Oh, how the time seemed to fly, We had scarcely put the crib away, When, like magic, We looked up the aisle, And beheld a lovely bride, We waved goodbye as, one by one, They joined life’s parade, Then at a bugle call, He stood proud and tall, There went our baby! Tho’ seasons change, Hand in hand, we’ll travel on, Still in love, Tho’ autumn’s coming on. by Bill & Gloria Gaither

The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes finishes his dialogue in chapter 12 with the well known words: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”. He then brilliantly goes on to poetically describe old age, by speaking of a time when legs shake, there is a fear of heights, eyes dim, teeth are few and hearing is a problem. I always smile when I read that chapter, for even although the message is to be taken seriously, I am so grateful for our National Health Service which provides health care free at the point of need. Now old people here are provided as needed with ‘Zimmers’ to help them walk, cataract operations to implant new eye lenses, false teeth and hearing aids! And am I glad! 🙂

But in spite of our National Health Service life moves inexorably on! At Church recently we were looking at a verse from 2 Samuel 14.14 which says “Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But that is not what God desires; rather, he devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from him.” So what plan did God devise that we might escape banishnent from Him and the finality of death? One word answer – JESUS! His name you see means ‘Saviour’. By His substitutionary death, the sinless Saviour bore our sins on the cross at Calvary, was buried and rose again to God’s right hand. Now he offers forgiveness and new life – FREE. That’s why He said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25

It’s good to remember our Creator while we can, it’s never too late!


Whew! What an Historic September!

The month has now closed and what a month it has been! This year we looked back 20 years to the horrifying and tragic events of 9/11 and remembered that almost 3000 innocent people died when four commercial airlines were highjacked by Islamist terrorists. Two aircraft deliberately crashing into the twin Trade Towers in New York causing their complete collapse, another into the Pentagon in Washington and the fourth into a field in Pennsylvania, after passengers and crew valiantly tried to stop the plans of the terrorists. Our hearts went out again to families and friends who mourn the cruel loss of their loved ones on that fateful day. Later we will reflect on the conseqences of that event.

So where were you on 9/11 is a question often asked? Well, we were on our way to Papua New Guinea , where ‘MAF’ the organisation I worked for had a base at Mount Hagen Airport. Mission Aviation Fellowship serves the widely scattered communities there, and the many missions and relief organisations who serve them. PNG has a population of about 7 million and is the most linguistically diverse nation on earth with 832 languages in this one small country!

We had stopped off at Melbourne in Australia on our outward journey, and on 9/11/2001 we rose early in a colleague’s home to make our way to the airport for our onward travel, and there watched on TV with unbelief the events unfolding in New York. Later at Melbourne Airport there was a hush amongst the crowd as they too watched the developing drama, sensed also in our group for the next few days as we refllected on what had just happened.

But PNG was to us another world! We spent five days flying around the Western Jungle, the river Fly basin and the Western Highlands, and other days flying to different locations out of Mount Hagen. In PNG almost 90% of people live in rural areas where over 60% have no access to clean water. Truly one of the remotest regions of the world. What impact, if any, would the 9/11 event have on the peoples of this remote nation we asked ourselves?

So here are some photos that marked that adventure for us, and yearly reminds us of 9/11.

PNG has a hot humid tropical climate which is experienced all year round. The average monthly rainfall is said to be 250-350mm and the average temperature ranges between 26-28 degrees Celsius.

Visiting the jungle hospital at Rumginae was an amazing experience as the doctors there trained health workers from a wide surrounding jungle area. They were taught how to diagnose minor and major health issues and report them by radio to the hospital. Serious cases were carried to the nearest jungle airstrip where the MAF plane picked them up and conveyed them to the hospital. It was fascinating seeing this in practice. On one of our flights we had on board a women miscarrying, but managed to get her to hospital in time to save her and her baby.

Visiting the hospital at Telefomin we met Hui Thai Tan a Glasgow trained doctor from Singapore, whom we had previously met on a number of occasions in Glasgow. He and another young doctor were dealing with every kind of disease and injury on their own. Walking round the wards with him and being introduced to a great variety of patients was a very rewarding experience. And flying to Telefomin was also somewhat exhilerating, as the plane has to rise above 14,000 feet to skip over the ring of mountains that surround the hospital.

Meeting such a variety of indigenous people as we travelled around was very special, and we were impressed by those employed by MAF in Mt Hagen, right up to management level. Everyone seemed so grateful for the help being provided by MAF, for truly they are a lifeline to these remote communities. MAF fly in Medical equipment, Building materials, school supplies, and transport coffee beans, and vegetable produce to and from markets, but most of all PEOPLE! 36,728 people flown 649,831 miles in 2018 alone, including 291 life saving medical evacuations. The ladies of the Church of Scotland Women’s Guild were greatly encouraged to see what their generous funding was helping to support.

All this while the world reeled from the events of 9/11!


So what has happened in the last twenty years?

Statistics will vary, but one report records that in Afghanistan/Pakistan during the ‘war on terror’ 241,000 people have died. 71,500 were civillians (including 8000 children), 78,500 Afghan military and national police, 3,600 US and Nato forces, 84,000 opposition fighters. In addition 2.7 million have fled as refugees, and another 4 million have been internally displaced. Wow! The US spent $2.7 trillion dollars during this period, not counting the cost to NATO, of which the UK’s commitment alone was £30 billion.

Not surprising then that it was with incredulity that we watched on our tv screens the Taliban sweep through the country late Auguust / early September, only to set up again the government displaced 20 years ago in Kabul.

The chaos, death, sadness and sorrow at Kabul airport as the US and NATO forces and their Afghan employees scurried to leave by President Biden’s deadline was too painful to watch. .Over and above all this the Taliban has now inherited all the military equipment and armaments given to the Afghan government, plus the mountain of equipment left behind by the US and NATO forces. The value has been estimated in the region of $85 billion dollars.

The IMF in April ’21 in its world economic outlook ranked Afghanistan amongst the poorest countries in the world, coming in at 21 out of 194 nations, and the UN has just asked the international community for $600 million dollars in urgent aid for Afghanistan. In comparison PNG was rated at 42 out of the 194 nations. (GDP based on purchasing power parity per capita)

So amidst the doom and gloom of our national and international news bulletins the work of MAF continues, and its always a pleasure when their magazine drops through the door, with stories of hope and good news of those helped, comforted and rescued in the world’s neediest places. Over 2,000 aid, development and mission organisations are helped by MAF to bring such assistance to thousands of communities in the world’s remotest places. It was a privilege to work with them for 10 years, they are doing an amazing job, you can check them out here

Don’t we all long for a day when the world and it’s people will live in peace and harmony? Personally, I look forward with hope to the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy, when he says in chapter two of his book verses 2-4

In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.

Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples.

They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

That day will surely be the brightest and the best!

Have a great October!Matthew

Scotland – Coast, Castles, and Cathedral

Culzean Castle on the Ayrshire coast is a National Trust for Scotland property and is a place that we love to visit each year in late summer. It is beautifully situated on the edge of the cliff with magnificient views over the firth to the Isle of Arran, and Ailsa Craig. The top floor apartment was given to President Dwight D Eisenhower after the last world war in appreciation of his leadership as the Supreme Commander of allied forces in Europe. It is said that he visited on four ocassions, once while President of the United States. Other apartments are available for rent today from the National Trust. Nearby is the village of Dunure with a more ancient (1256) castle. The remains seen today however are from the 15. -16th century. Both these castles are associated with the Kennedy clan, although the Mackinnons are said to have held Dunure Castle at some point after the battle of Largs.

We love to stroll in the quietness through the woods, and visit the walled garden and the castle gardens as well. This year the fountain unfortunately was under repair, so we didn’t see that operational.

This month we made an unplanned return trip to the Isle of Cumbrae. We had driven down to Largs on a beautiful sunny day, but found the resort very busy, so hopped on the ferry which was awaiting at the quay. We were so glad we did as the island was was so beautiful and we took the opportuniity to visit the Cathedral of the Isles and College of the Holy Spirit for the very first time. This is a Scottish Episcopal Church building.


When we are out and about we often stop and stand in awe at the greatness of God. Last Sunday at church we were reading from Paul’s letter to the Church at Colossae in Chapter 1 which speaks of the supremacy of Jesus Christ. It reads

The Supremacy of the Son of God
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.

And at out Wednesday Prayer Fellowship we sang that well known hymn ‘How Great Thou Art’. Some veses go like this –

When through the woods
And forest glades I wander
I hear the birds
Sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down
From lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze 

And when I think that God, His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art

I hope you enjoy what remains of the summer


‘Garden’ please come in!

I was given a new arrow shaped notice by some of the family that simply says ‘Garden‘. So all that pass by are being encouraged to have a look. So no pressure, but we’d best keep the bit nearest the gate looking tidy 🙂

This year I tried growing different varieties of fruit and vegetables in the greenhouse with varying amount of success. Cucumbers, and tomatoes, in spite of early misgivings, have all produced a very good crop, tomatoes in fact a bumper crop. The coloured peppers have been ok, but the fruit has been a bit on the small side. Potatoes and carrots grown in bags and bucket have been fun to grow and I think the results were amazing. Cropped 100 potatoes from the ten sown, and the carrots yielded 22 from the bucket and plant pot. (See the video below)

After a promising start and much care and attention my bags of strawberries produced an abundance of leaves and shoots but only a handful of small strawberries. So what did I do wrong? Perhaps they were fed too much with a strawberry fertiliser bought online? Help please. My two small gooseberry bushes produced their first fruit this year, but not enough to make jam. The rhubarb also produced its first decent crop this year enough for some rhubarb crumble on a couple of occasions. The apple tree is looking good, but too early yet to pick them.

In my last garden report I was able to show you some of the flowers that were enjoyed earlier in the year, so here are some pics of those that have appeared since.

Now here’s the wee video on Carrots – ‘From Seed to Freezer


Today I spent time again in the garden and greenhouse. But yes, today has also been a day of deep reflection. As I sit here writing this blog infact, thoughts that I had earlier, have come flooding back, causing me to stop and ponder. After breakfast I was reading from a magazine a short report regarding life in the country of Northern Macedonia. I consider myself quite well versed in geography, but I knew little or nothing of this relatively new country in the Balklands, which was previously part of Yugoslavia. So that kept me busy for a while doing some research, looking at pictures of its people and countryside online and reading of the diversity of its people and its economic poverty. It is evidently amongst the poorest nations in the world, where people have suffered so much in my lifetime.

Then like everyone else we were confronted again on our tv screens by the chaotic scenes at Kabul Airport in Afghanistan. The sense of fear and desperation was palpable in people’s voices and faces, as thousands make every effort to flee from the threat posed by the Taliban, after they so easily over-ran the country.

We have been recalling the promises made by Western Nations just a short 20 years ago, saying that we would never abandon the Afghan people. They must ring hollow in the ears of the Afghan people now.

We often say that the world now is a global village, but how helpless we feel in these situations to do anything which we feel would make a difference.

I was recounting that Jesus was in Israel at the time of the Roman occupation and oppression. There is the lovely story in Matthew’s account of his life, where it says ‘Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.’ What an apt expression of people in Afghanistan and in so many parts of our world today, ‘harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.’

Last night our Church was praying especially for the situation in Afghanistan, and for all those ‘harrassed and helpless’, perhaps in the near future we can help be the answer to our own prayers. Meantine the message of Jesus’ love and compassion continues to be beamed around the world. His death and resurrection make fulness of life to all who will come to him a reality.

How blessed to have a garden, and to live in a country that has known peace for the last 75+ years.

I trust your garden has flourished in 2021.



I had a home in Africa!

So begins the famous Karen Blixen movie ‘Out of Africa’.

Yes, we too had a home in Africa, it was in Tearfund’s Guesthouse and office complex in Nairobi, Kenya. Very shortly our grandson and his wife and four of our great grandchildren are planning a move to Africa, so last Sunday we had a special service for them at Church. They are going to work for one of the UK’s children’s charities in East Africa. He and his family are following in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps! Africa, ah! that brought memories flooding back!

There has been great deal of development in Africa in recent decades, and whilst the cities are in many ways similar to any city around the world, (except perhaps for the shanty areas on the outskirts) the challenges of working in rural Africa are still very real. There always seems to be another urgent task needing attention, and often the resources and expertise are not readily available. Nonetheless, as I’ve said in a previous blog, if you have ever had the privilege to live and work there, truly Africa does get ‘under your skin’.

With a rich inheritance of people coming from a variety of cultures, tribes and languages, combined with many new sights and sounds, the first impact in coming from Europe is decidedly a “wow” factor. In the city people rise early and soon the bustling crowds are heading to their workplace, or school, college and university.

In the villages the children have often to walk long distances to school, and workers are heading to their ‘shambas’, or to one of the sugar, coffee or tea plantations. Of course the daily task of wood and water collection, and regular trips to market are still all a big part of everyday life for many rural people.

Tourism contributes a large part to the economy, certainly in East Africa, where the beauty of villages, savannahs, mountains, game parks and coral lined beaches, are a huge attraction, or were, prior to the current pandemic.

One could write a book (and many have) of the abundance and variety of animals, birds and insects, not to mention the trees, for example, the Acacia, the beautiful flowering Jacaranda, and the amazing Baobab trees, all of which seem to be forever imbedded in your mind.

Here are some memories from our 5 year stay and many subsequent visits to East Africa.

First – the people …

Animals …

Birds …

Places …


So many people are asking, what do you think of your grandson and his wife moving to Africa with your four great grand children? Some express excitement saying, it will be a great adventure, others seem more apprehensive, will it be safe? Why give up your home and jobs here to face uncertainty there, even if it is just for a few years?

I remember when my wife and I left for Kenya, many such questions were similarly asked.

Yes for sure, it will be an adventure, a huge learning experience for them all, there will be fun and laughter with the children, along with trials and frustrations, and the need always to take care of the security issue. So what is the motivation?

Well my grandson was brought up in Africa, and went to school there, my grand-daughter-in-law became a Christian in Africa, visiting this same children’s centre as part of a work team, so there is an element of ‘Africa under your skin’!

The real motivation however comes from their Christian faith. Jesus invites his followers to come and ‘take up their cross and follow me’ and sends some of his children to the ends of the earth. When Christians ask the question ‘Lord what do you want me to do’ ? The answer to that question sometimes takes a while to become clear, but when it does, it is time to act. It’s amazing to see how the skills of my grandson and wife completely match the needs at the children’s centre at this very time. God’s timing is always right.

A home in Scotland, a home in Africa, and a home in heaven! Jesus said to his followers ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also’. Now there is something to look forward to no matter your age or how many homes you’ve had down here! He also announced how to be sure of being there.

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. I’ve never regretted coming to Jesus.

Video – A Home in Africa!

Hope you are all having a great summer now that restrictions are easing!


Sunny Morayshire – the place to be!

We took the 200 mile drive from Glasgow to Elgin in Morayshire recently, and enjoyed a week of relaxation and of visiting places of interest along this lovely coastline in the North East of Scotland. We travelled from Glasgow to Perth, where we took the A9 road, which is a very scenic route, but was as usual busy, with many roadworks. We returned via Aberdeen, Dundee and Perth and then to Glasgow at the end of our holiday, completing a 400 mile plus circuit.

Elgin has a number of places of interest, and on our first day we visited the ruins of the 13th century Cathedral, and the ‘Biblical Garden’, which is just next to the cathedral. We had hoped for a tour of the cathedral, but were told on arrival that you have to prebook on line! The Biblical Garden was free to enter.

Work on building this cathedral started during the first half of the 13th Century, and the cathedral eventually became known as ‘the Lantern of the North‘. It was destroyed during the Protestant Reformation around 1560. Photographs were limited without access, which was a shame. The ‘Biblical Garden’ was lovely to wander around in the peace and quiet of the place.

Later that day we visited Duffus Castle. We had driven past it many times, it was great to have the opportunity to explore it on this visit. There was a mobile cafe next to the car park, where we enjoyed some ice cream and a cool drink, before starting our walk.

We never come to this area without visiting the nature reserve and bird sanctuary at Spey Bay. It was strange this year to see the river Spey with so little water, but we had just experienced an unusual long dry spell of weather. The millions of stones the river has deposited over the years is a sight to behold. Just once over the years were we fortunate enough to see an osprey catch a salmon here, but there is a monument which captures such an event.

No time to tell of all the other places we visited during the week. However here are some photographs which illustrate the beauty of this area.

The following is a 1.5 minute video I made of our day in Burghead, which we fell in love with this year. Just watch how busy the beach is!!

Click on photo to start video


It’s so good to get out of the city for a few days. We have enjoyed many holidays here over the years, and revisiting brought back many memories of the fun and laughter we had in the past with family and friends, as we swam in the sea, picnicked, climbed, walked and cycled. This year at Finechty we heard someone calling us from the beach, and were hugely surprised to meet Sarah and her husband and young son, (the great grand-daughter of my late brother), who were following in the family tradition with a holiday at Sandend.

We also had a ‘catch-up’ dinner with my ‘sister in law’ and ‘niece in law’ at ‘The Galley” in Whitehills. They both had lost their husbands in recent years, but it was encouraging to see how they were both moving on with their lives having their faith and trust firmly set on the promises of God.

People Make Glasgow is the marketing brand of our city, but I think that is true in all of life’s situations, and was certainly true of our holiday. The joy of interacting with others, family and friends for sure, but also people from all different ethnic backgrounds and cultures.

Heaven is going to be an exciting place, not only will JESUS be there, but the Apostle John describes in his book one scene that says:

And they sang a new song, saying:
“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
Revelation 5.9

It’s good to book your holiday well in advance, but I think infinitely more important to ensure your place is secure in that heavenly land, especially in this day of pandemic. And the cost? FREE to us, because we have nothing to offer in payment, it’s a gift from God! But we need to accept it. How do I do that? Read the book of Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and then speak to God in prayer, confessing your need for forgiveness and acknowledging Jesus as your Saviour and Redeemer, and committing your life to Him.

Have a great holiday


Early Summer in the Garden and Greenhouse

It was a very cold Spring here in Scotland, but in early May the weather started warming up at last. Here is an update on the garden and greenhouse –

Blooming June – the Garden

Daffodils were a bit of a disappointment this year as a spell of frost and snow arrived just as the flowers were about to open, but amazingly some did survive, and the tulips coming on a bit later more than compensated as they seemed to go and on!

It’s nice to see the rhododendrons and clematis in flower again, without too much effort from me, and also the shrubs and bushes bursting into life, not to mention the apple tree and lilac, which shout out to you ‘summer has come’! I’m afraid I haven’t done too much this year in the way of planting ‘annuals’, but I have however planted from seed some french marigolds, sunflowers, tom thumbs, coleus and cornflower, and some begonia corms.

The greenhouse is doing fairly well, and this year I’m trying to grow quite a few different fruits and vegetables. Cucumber ‘F1 Socrates’ is proving to be fantastic, the cucumbers are smaller in size but delicious in taste and are cropping very well. Tomatoes are Tigerella, Shirley F1 and Ferline F1. The latter is one I’m trying for the first time, it seems to be struggling a bit, but it may come away yet. There is a variety of peppers, three bags of potatoes, one bucket of carrots (Autumn King 2) and two bags of strawberries, and lots of ‘tom-thumb’ lettuce. So between cutting the grass and keeping everything in trim its enough to keep me busy. Here are some photographs of progress so far.


With the wonders of camera, computer and the www, I have been able to show you the best of my garden and greenhouse. What I haven’t shown you are the plants some slugs have eaten, the parts of paths that need weeding, or my Spring plant pots that have yet to be emptied and cleaned. In a small garden it is difficult to find a spot to hide them away 🙂 I guess if you are a gardiner you are in much the same boat!

Got me thinking, ‘social media’ is a bit like that, we (including me) tend to emphasise the positives and try and bypass the negatives. The ‘about me’ section on Facebook usually paints a glowing picture of the person we would like others to believe that we are, and seldom do you find folks telling you how they have messed up! But of course we all do at times.

I’m reading a book this month entitled ‘Gentle and Lowly‘ by Dane Ortlund, concerning Jesus Christ he says, ‘in the four gospels accounts given to us in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John there are 89 chapters of text, but there is only one place where Jesus describes his heart. (The heart in biblical terms is the centre of who we are, what defines and directs us) So what will this man Jesus, who claimed to be the Son of God say? He says, ‘I am gentle and lowly in heart’. Ortlund goes on to say ‘The posture most natural to him is not a pointed finger, but open arms’!

You can read the full words of Jesus in Matthew 11 v 28-30. Jesus said – “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Now there is an open invitation, but folks are so loathe to come.

So I’m thinking, what two words would you or I use to truly define ourselves on social media? Mmmm, let me get back to you on that …..

Happy gardening!



We have continued our ‘holiday’ day trips around the West of Scotland, and are thankful that so many beautiful places are within easy driving distance from Glasgow. The weather has also heated up now, with plenty of sunny summer days.

The Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh has a number of ‘outposts’ around Scotland, the nearest to us being in Dunoon, so we made a trip there to visit the Benmore Botanic Garden, which is a magnificent mountainside garden just a few miles out of town. It has a spectacular avenue of Redwood trees, and a rhododendron collection said to be one of the finest in the world.

There were fifty ‘Redwoods’ in this avenue but one was blown down in a fierce storm in recent years. In contrast it was lovely for us to walk here in the quietness on a warm sunny day and to take in the majestic beauty of the place.

Here are some more photos of parts of the garden which takes in fifty hectares.

There is a section of the garden set aside for rest and contemplation, and it too was situated in the middle of some magnificent trees including redwoods.

We next made our way to the ‘Dolphin fountain’ and pond, and admired the wide range of plants and flowers.

The afternoon passed all too quickly, and soon it was time to head back to the entrance, over the little wooden bridge. Then, on our drive back towards the ferry, we drove through Ardentinny and found a few beautiful spots along the way for our proverbial picnic!

Reflections – A visit to a garden is so good for our souls, and for peace of mind. It’s amazing how many words have been written about the beauties of God’s creation. Here are a few selected verses from Psalm 104 speaking about the ‘garden of life’.

Praise the LORD, my soul. LORD my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendour and majesty. He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. He makes springs pour water into the ravines; it flows between the mountains. They give water to all the beasts of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst. The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches. He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work. He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate—bringing forth food from the earth: wine that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts. The trees of the LORD are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted. There the birds make their nests; the stork has its home in the junipers. I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD. Praise the LORD, my soul. Praise the LORD!

I hope you enjoyed our trip as much as we did, and that you too are able to get out to explore the beauties of God’s creation wherever you are.


A Favourite haunt …..

THE ISLE OF CUMBRAE – looking back over to Largs

Millions have had their double dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and here in Scotland we were all looking forward to another easing of restrictions, which would allow the meeting of family and friends indoors, and permit staying overnight in accommodation throughout Scotland. However after months of waiting it was announced last week that Glasgow and Morayshire would remain at level three on the Covid restrictions ladder due to a rise in Covid cases in these areas. So hugs and visits from family and friends are again on ‘hold’!

BUT, we are still allowed to travel around Scotland, and for that we are very grateful. This week we checked the forecast and then headed for a favourite haunt – the Isle of Cumbrae on the southern end of the Firth of Clyde. First a 50 minute drive to the town of Largs before boarding the ferry for Cumbrae. (£20.50 for two passengers and a car – return) Visit at the weekends and the ferries are very busy as the island is popular for hikers and cyclists, but mid-week, and all is peace and tranquility.

The Island is about 2.5 miles long and 1.25 miles wide, and a walk or drive around the perimeter taking account of bays and promontories is appoximately 11 miles. We were able to drive at walking pace viewing the abundance of animals, birds and flowers. The most famous beach is on the west side of the island at Fintry Bay where there is a cafe and restaurant.

The only town on the island is Millport, which was once a famous stopping off point for the Clyde ferries in the middle of the last century when the Clyde Coast was a popular holiday destination for people living in Glasgow and the Central belt of Scotland. It is a lovely litle town nestling around Kames Bay. As you approach it you have some spectacular views of other islands in the firth, Little Cumbrae,, Bute and Arran, and on a clear day you can see Ailsa Craig and even the Coast of Ireland.

On the return journey we like to take the narrow road that runs down the middle of the island, and stop at the viewpoint, this is the island’s highest point at 417 ft above sea level, where a large boulder called “The Glaid Stone”is situated. No time today to visit one of Scotland’s smallest Cathedrals – The Cathedral of the Isles’ but we did pass one of the entrances.

Then it was back to the ferry and a sail to Largs on the mainland, before a drive home in time for supper. A perfect day out!


We had a beautiful day out, enjoying the wonders of God’s creation and as I reflected on Psalm 145 in my last blog, sometimes the whole ambience of a place, speaks of the glory and majesty of God and causes you to quietly praise him in your heart.

The day brought memories of days gone by when 50 years ago at the ‘Glasgow Fair’ Millport was full of families gathered for their summer holidays. Deck chairs on the beach, paddling and swimming – no matter the weather, volley ball, and donkey rides, ice cream cones and picnics. Also folks from the ‘Children’s Seaside Mission’ organising games and singing, and Bible stories by means of puppets and a ‘flannel graph board’. Many of my family and friends were there helping with crowds of children and parents gathering around. These were happy days. I’m now trying to remember why we all spend a fortune heading for the beaches of continental Europe and beyond 🙂 How life moves on!

In contrast to this picture of peace and quiet, this week our church has been fundraising for the poor and marginalised in India during the horrors of the Covid-19 crisis. We have been thinking of the sadness, madness and terror of the conflict between Hamas and Israel in the Middle East and praying for a cessation of hostilities. The plight of the estimated ten million + children in Yemen, the ongoing slaughter in Afghanistan, Burkino Faso, Nigeria, Sudan, and on and on, and on and on!

China this week joins the USA in successfully landing and controlling a Mars rover on the surface of planet Mars, how amazing is that? WOW! Unfortunately we have not yet learned how to eliminate hunger, or give clean water to the thirsty, and provide shelter and healthcare to countless millions! But we applaud all those who are trying from all around the world.

Here is some poetry to finish:

One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD,
and he will reward them for what they have done.

God bless, Matthew